Steam House - Model MAX - Light Oil Monoblock Burners from 17 to 546 kW
From Burners
New control box Thermowatt allowing to improve the interface with service personnel; the digital display (PAB versions) featuring the interactive language with pictograms gives real time information about burner operation and statistics stored during the heating season.
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High efficiency fan ventilation system (HPV) allow...
- High efficiency fan ventilation system (HPV) allowing easy matching with boilers having high combustion chamber back pressure
- Electrical wiring simple to disassemble for easy maintenance
- Combustion head easy to assemble and adjust for fine set up
- Single bolt burner fixing with the possibility to firmly secure it to the flange in three different positions for easier maintenance
- Air damper with progressive micrometric air regulation adjustable in three positions
- Monoblock electrodes for easy and steady installation into the nozzle even after maintenance
- Low NOx version class 3 with yellow flame developed by Ecoflam
- Selected models are available in HT version and with “D” pump for light oil with viscosity up to 200 cTs
- The hinge flange allows accessibility to burner head without losing burner settings
- MAX 1 ÷ 12 work with electrical frequency 50-60 Hz
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