Steam Traps
From Steam Equipment
Flowserve Gestra Steam Trap Steam traps play a vital role in discharging condensate produced as a result of trapped steam in a heating system. Three types of steam traps. BK: The BK trap is a thermostatic trap with a bimetallic regulator which is particularly robust. MK: The MK trap is a thermostatic trap with a membrane regulator and has very sensitive response characteristics. UNA: The UNA is a float trap for condensate discharges at extreme and sudden flowrate and pressure fluctuations.
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- Easily maintained without removal from pipelines.
- Interchangeable with no change to pipe layout.
- Automatic air venting.
- Tight shut-off, - no loss of live steam.
- Not affected by dirt.
- Trap regulators tested under operating conditions - steam, condensate.
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