Specialized Technology Resources España S.A. (STRE)

Specialized Technology Resources España S.A. (STRE)

- Model 15580P - Photovoltaic Encapsulating Film



PHOTOCAP 15580P is an ultra fast cure and PID resistant EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer) photovoltaic encapsulating film.

PHOTOCAP 15580P can be used for all crystalline si...

PHOTOCAP 15580P can be used for all crystalline silicon photovoltaic module constructions, and for many thin film photovoltaic designs. PHOTOCAP 15580P is provided as rolled film ready for use in thermal lamination processes. The material is self-priming for adhesion to glass. The same process equipment and conditions used for other ultra-fast cure PHOTOCAP EVA encapsulant can be used for this product.

  • Wider processing window and better PID resistance
  • For use in front or in back of cells

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