Sunnyside upP

Sunnyside upP

- Thin Film


An important element in the production is the performance classification of solar modules. Flash module test results are only as accurate as the pre-calibration of the flasher systems conducted using a calibrated reference module / reference cell. The calibration of the flasher system in a thin-film module production can be ensured only if the used thin-film module reference is preconditioned. In order to eliminate the precondition step, generally crystalline modules are used for the calibration of the flasher, but their electrical and geometrical parameters do not match those of the thin film modules.To solve this problem, Sunnyside upP® created a calibration tool Flash Module – TF © (Thin Film), which is individually customized.

Product Overview

The Sunnyside upP Flash module-TF, through its adaptation of cell geometries in its electrical parameters, as well as in size and fabrication materials, mimics an exact image of the thin film product. The Flash module based on crystalline technology thus enables a simple and consistently reproducible calibration of Flasher systems with the following key benefits:

  • Flasher-calibration tool for your thin-film module production
  • Long-term stability of reference module
  • Robust design for daily use
  • Calibration in Thin-film identical range
  • High, reproducible measurement accuracy
  • Identical electrical and geometrical structure
  • Simple handling enables full integration in (auto) production lines

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