Surface Combustion, Inc.

Surface Combustion, Inc.

- Model RX - Endothermic Gas Generator



Surface Combustion pioneered the development of endothermic gas to be used as the carrier medium for today’s gas carburizing process. This revolutionized the heat treating industry from the pack carburizing process of yesterday and easily enabled the future of boost/diffuse carburizing, carbon control and all the instrumentation and sensors that grew out of this invention.

Product Overview

When you look to purchase anything in life, you always feel more comfortable when you go to the experts. Surface® Combustion has more installed base and sells far more new endothermic generators than any competitor in the US. At times OUR competitors buy OUR generators to make their equipment work better!


Surface named this miracle endothermic gas with a tradename of RX® gas.

Today’s generator looks much different than that of it’s grandfather from the 1940s. A modular design allows for a specific flow range of consistent quality gas to be to be precisely developed. The quantity of RX endothermic gas required by you is accomplished by adding the necessary quantity of tubes (or retorts). The alloy retorts reside in high efficiency thermally insulated towers and are packed with nickel coated catalyst. These assemblies are heated to approximately 1950°F and have a mixture of air and natural gas passed though retort. The temperature and catalyst make the mixture crack into 40% Nitrogen, 40% Hydrogen and 20% Carbon Monoxide.

Depending on the height of the alloy retort, maximum flow rates of 2000 cfh or 3000 cfh can be produced in each retort. It is important to note that as furnace equipment needs for RX gas change, which they will, our generators have 6 to 1 turn down capabilities meaning we can produce 1/6 of the nameplate maximum rating without sacrificing and quality of gas composition whatsoever.

To improve uptime, many features are incorporated including on line burnout if an extra tube is selected where a retort can be taken offline and reconditioned by passing air through the retort while at temperature and a backup mixture pump which allows for switching on and off on the go to allow for continuous operation if a pump were to fail.

Control features include our ESA system which uses automotive oxygen probe technology to control the dewpoint (or carbon potential) of the resultant RX endothermic gas.

Today, we have a number of online diagnostic capabilities that tests for equalized flow in each retort and gas composition in each retort.


  • Standard Sizes are available to produce from 2000 to 15,000 ft³ per hour
  • Ceramic fiber insulating systems allow ramped heat up or cool down
  • Electric and direct gas fired systems available
  • Automatic turn down functions up to 6:1 turn down eliminates venting excess gas
  • Modular design allowing on line maintenance (burn out) functions while individual or multiple tubes are producing gas
  • Air and water gas cooling systems available
  • On-line backup mixture pumps available
  • Reliable oxygen probe based, automatic dew point controls
  • Advanced Diagnostic predictive maintenance tool options
  • ESA® controls use reliable oxygen probe-based automatic dew point controls

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