Syncraft - Model CW 700-200 - Wood Gas Power Plants
SYNCRAFT is your professional partner for wood-gas power plants. The table below shows the technical data of the SYNCRAFT wood-gas power plant CW700-200. To use the resulting low-temperature heat, a heat pump can be offered optionally. Depending on the design, a thermal power of up to 140 kW is available (at a water temperature of up to 55°C). This temperature can be optimally used for biomass drying or to increase the backflow-temperature of the district heating system.
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Heat may be a by-product of our biomass power plant plants, but it is the largest item in terms of energy produced. The SYNCRAFT plants produce around 0.5 kW of thermal output per 1 kW of fuel power. This useful heat can be gathered and made available at a temperature level of around 95°C. If required, however, the useful heat stream can also be divided into two, with one half going to a low-temperature stream with an inlet temperature of 80°C, and the other going to a hightemperature stream with an inlet temperature of up to 200°C. Heat use is an important economic factor in the operation of the SYNCRAFTWerke.
Electricity is the core product of each SYNCRAFT biomass power plant plant. Our SYNCRAFTWerke produce practically 0.3 kW of electricity per 1 kW of fuel power, making the electrical efficiency of SYNCRAFT’s wood-gas plants one of the highest in the entire bio-energy sector, especially when you consider that absolutely no additional fuels (such as pilot oil or similar) are used in our gas engines in the production of electricity. What is more, despite the high degree of efficiency, the emission values in all areas are significantly lower than the current emission limits. A standard oxidation catalytic converter is all that is required for exhaust after-treatment.
Premium quality charcoal is the third valuable product of each SYNCRAFT wood-gas plant. In economic terms, our plants generate revenue where a cost would normally be expected. This underlines the financial benefit of operating a SYNCRAFT wood-gas plant. From an ecological perspective, the obtained solid matter can be entirely used as soil conditioner for vegetation, thus sustainably closing the cycle of materials. Active charcoal does not directly fertilise the soil; it rather assists the long-term retention of fertiliser materials, permitting fertiliser use to be minimised to sustainable levels. Ready-for-sale bigbags or containers can as necessary be filled with moistened, dust-free biochar at the plant.
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