Taurus - Model 70 - Gas Turbine Generator Set
From Oil and Gas Power Generation Packages
The family of Taurus™ gas turbines represents years of intensive development by the engineering and manufacturing groups at Solar and offers many advanced features.
- Power: 7965 kWe
- Heat Rate: 9,955 Btu/kW-hr
- Exhaust Flow: 213,350 lb/hr
- Exhaust Temperature: 945 ºF
- Exhaust Configuration: Axial
- Combustion System: SoLoNOx (DLE) Conventional
Benefits and Features
- Introduced in 1995
- Leverages Design Experience of Taurus 60
- High Efficiency, Simple-Cycle Gas Turbine
- Designed for Long-Life Industrial Applications
- Low Dry Emissions (Optional)
- Designed-In Maintainability
- Depending on the operating conditions, an extended time between overhaul is available
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