Tedom Quanto - Industrial CHP Unit
From CHP Units
The Quanto CHP units have a truly large output. One such unit can reliably supply an entire housing area of two hundred and fifty dwellings including an adjacent primary school area with heat. At the same time, it generates enough electricity to cover the consumption of a town of two thousand inhabitants. They can also be used in energy demanding industrial plants, mines, etc.
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Typical Features
Engines of Respected Manufacturers
Quanto CHP units employ MWM and MAN engines.
Generators for Low and High Voltage
The generators of Quanto units can be adjusted for low and high voltages to be connected to the grid.
Various Design Options
The units can be placed freely, equipped with a sound enclosure or put into a container.
Stand-Alone Motor-Generator
The motor-generator module is separated from the heat modules in all the versions.
Power and Control Switchboards to be Placed Freely
The power and control switchboard can be put separately in a suitable place.
Possibility of Choice of Particular Modules
The possibility of choice of particular modules for the outputs from 800 to 10,000 kW.
Heat Supply Systems
Quanto CHP units are often used as highly efficient sources in heat supply systems. The electricity generated is supplied to the grid, thereby reducing the costs of heat production. For efficient operation, they are usually fitted with a suitably sized accumulation tank for the heat generated.
Large Industrial Enterprises
Large industrial enterprises use Quanto CHP units for their own electricity and heat consumption. Cogeneration is a very flexible source of energy for them, helping them reduce the cost of energy-demanding production.
Coal Mines
During the mining and after-mining activity, a large amount of gas accumulates in the underground galleries. Because of its high methane content, it is a very suitable fuel for CHP units. We have installed dozens of large CHP units in coal mining areas.
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