Tetronics - Plasma Technology
The intense temperature and ultra-violet light applied in the plasma treatment process results in an extremely high resource recovery rate and maximum Destruction and Removal Efficiency (DREs) of hazardous components for hazardous material treatment.
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In today’s competitive marketplace, success at Tetronics is increasingly driven by our expertise in technology. We build on over 50 years of experience to deliver our best-in-class clean plasma technology to meet the often complex needs of our customers across a number of material processing challenges. As a result of the investment in technology development, Tetronics currently has 127 patents either previously granted or pending across 12 families.
Compact and controllableDue to their compact and controllable nature, Tetronics’ plasma systems provide a unique opportunity for industrial processing. In fact, plasma is one of the cleanest thermal processing technologies available. This enables Tetronics’ systems to support an extensive range of applications, from recovery of precious metals and platinum group metals from spent catalysts, mining ores and electronics waste, to removing the toxicity of industrial materials such as asbestos and air pollution control residues.The plasma process transforms spent materials into substances that are benign to the environment and produces valuable by-products for use elsewhere in industry, thereby closing the recycling loop. Plasma technology is highly beneficial in metal recovery processes, generating a higher recovery rate than alternative technologies.
How it Works
An indicative plasma treatment solution
Tetronics’ plasma-enhanced process allows material feedstocks to be fed into a sealed furnace and heated in a high-temperature controllable environment using a plasma arc created by either a single or multiple plasma electrodes/torches.
The process chemistry is designed to preferentially separate and recover the valuable metals, minerals and other materials from the feedstock while destroying the hazardous elements, leaving behind a non-hazardous vitrified material. This vitrified material, called Plasmarok®, can be employed as a building product for the construction industry.
Plasma Process
- STEP 1. Feedstock material is fed into a sealed furnace
- STEP 2. Feedstock is heated in a controlled environment using a plasma arc
- STEP 3: Plasma process preferentially separates and recovers the valuable materials
- STEP 4. Plasma process destroys the hazardous components of the feedstock
- STEP 5. Remaining material is transformed into a building product called Plasmarok®
- Plasma is one of the cleanest thermal processing technologies available
- Intense temperature and ultra-violet light is applied in the plasma process
- Generates a higher recovery rate than alternative technologies
- Aids the rapid destruction of hazardous and industrial residues
- Transforms problematic hazardous residues into valuable by-products
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