West Biofuels, LLC

West Biofuels, LLC

Thermal Oil Heating System



The West Biofuels thermal oil heating system converts the gases from the gasification process into usable heat energy via a thermal fluid. The thermal fluid is specifically engineered to fit each application. This heated thermal fluid is then used for building/process heating, or to generate power using the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) turbine generator. The thermal oil heater (TOH) is ether coupled to an external gasification system and/or uses the biomass directly to meet customer demands. Because the TOH is a closed loop there is no demand for cooling water, boiler feed water, and there is no water conditioning equipment needed. The TOH uses multiple sections to obtain an extremely high efficiency, and the best utilization of the available energy in the biomass. The multi-zone approach used in the TOH along with exhaust gas re-circulation eliminates problems of slagging and ash melting/fouling common in other biomass energy systems.  The TOH multiple emissions control technologies are used to exceed the strictest requirements. These emissions technologies include exhaust gas re-circulation (EGR), electrostatic precipitation (ESP), and urea injection.

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