Eclipse, Inc.

Eclipse, Inc.

- Blast Burners



Blast Tips are small burners designed to handle combustible mixtures of gas and air under sufficient pressure to cause a blast-like flame. In general, Blast Tips are built to burn without the use of any refractory tunnel and are either self-piloting or built to prevent the flame from blowing away under normal conditions of operation. Blast Tips are suitable for a variety of applications. They can be used in groups to heat a wide area such as the bottom of a kettle, or can be mounted down a length of pipe as in a core oven.

Low NOx, CO, and aldehydes.

  • Low NOx, CO, and aldehydes.
  • Fully packaged, easy to install and operate; optional mounting methods jto suit most ducts.
  • Nozzle-mix design provides excellent stability over a 40:1 turndown range.
  • High duct velocities with no profiling needed.
  • Integral combustion air blower.
  • Integral pilot.
  • Short flame length.
  • Available in Standard and IRI type models.
  • 100% factory tested and adjusted.

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