Titan - Model 130 - Two-Shaft Gas Turbine for Mechanical Drive Applications
From Mechanical Drive Packages
The Titan™ 130 gas turbine two-shaft for compressor and mechanical drive applications is designed to deliver a simple-cycle thermal efficiency of 36 percent.
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- Power: 23,470 hp
- Heat Rate: 6800 Btu/hp-hr
- Exhaust Flow: 452,830 lb/hr
- Exhaust Temperature: 895º F
- Combustion System: SoLoNOx (DLE) Conventional
Benefits and Features
- Introduced in 1997
- Scaled design from the Taurus 70; Based on Mars Design and Experience
- High Efficiency, Simple-Cycle Gas Turbine
- Designed for Long-Life Industrial Applications
- Low Dry Emissions (Optional)
- Designed-In Maintainability
- Depending on the operating conditions, an extended time between overhaul is available.
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