United Solar Ovonic LLC

United Solar Ovonic LLC

- Solar Module



We’ve tilted things in your favor to bring you more power with the fastest payback in the industry. More power by giving you more total energy production than any other solar panel on the planet. More power by providing  a light, durable, easy-to-install product that keeps making you money. More power to you, your customers and our future by reducing costs, reducing our carbon footprint and – along the way – creating rooftops that help sustain us all. Plug into the 25-years of innovation that’s powering the world’s leader in rooftop performance, and you’ll understand, rst hand, how we can bring More Power To You. That’s why companies like Coca-Cola, General Motors, ProLogis, IKEA and the rest of our global customers chose UNI-SOLAR.

Why PowerTilt?

Fastest Payback

  • The Angle
    Because of its fixed angle, Power77/f optimizes an already high-performing technology by 10-20%.
  • Real Power for the Real World
    UNI-SOLAR PV-products produce more total energy than any other solar panel on the planet. Power77/f outperforms the competition because of its low light, high heat and shadow tolerant performance.
  • Low Cost, High Return on Investment
    Lowest Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) AND the highest Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for any solar investment, combine to make Power77/f the smart choice for your money.
  • Easy Installation and Removal
    Light and easy to handle, with attachment options, to facilitate installation to a variety of roofing materials. And, Power77H assembly is easy to remove for re-roofing, roof modification or maintenance.

Low Impact On Your Roof

  • Lightweight
    At 2.1 pounds per square foot, PowerTilt is the lightest in its category and ideal for low-load bearing roofs. And, it can be installed without costly structural roof reinforcement.
  • Durable
    Glass-free and encapsulated in UV-stabilized, weather-resistant polymers, it holds up against Category 3 hurricane winds, hail, and other heavy impacts, and comes with a 25-year limited power output warranty.
  • No Penetration
    The simple mounting frame installs without roofing penetration. Attachment components are available for gravel, PVC, TPO, EPDM, Modified Bitumen and standing seam metal roofs.

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