UTL - E Rickshaw DC DC Converter
From UTL E-Rickshaw
UTL DC-DC Converter is designed to fulfill DC power requirements of E-Rickshaw vehicle. Its design is very simple and can be operate easily. It is compact in size and water proof. It can be operated from 40V DC to 60V DC. Designed to meet adverse Indian climatic condition, Input Reverse Connection Protection, Solid Aluminum Alloy cabinet, Low Battery cut off, Best performance due to High Efficient PWM, Output Short Circuit Protection, Waterproof, Lightweight,
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As we know that Indian climate changes very rapidly, so it is designed such that it can operate under adverse Indian climate condition.
If by mistake someone connects it into the wrong connection or into reverse connection, it would not burn because it has built-in input reverse connection protection.
It can be transported from one place to another place with considering shock absorption because here we are using aluminium alloy cabinet. It is also good for heat dissipation.
It will switch off under low battery. Due to low battery cut-off feature. it will not go into deep discharging. As a result, it will increase the battery life span.
Its performance is too good because here we are using highly efficient P.W.M technology
If accidentally system gets into short circuit then system would not burn as we are providing short circuit protection.
Its component will not get affected by water as this is protected by water using IP65 standard enclosure.
Its lightweight allows it, to move easily from one place to another place.
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