Van Gas - Model GasDry Max - Absorbent Deliquescent Desiccant
From Gas Dehydration Desiccants
GasDry Max is the highest performing absorbent deliquescent desiccant available on the market, for natural gas dehydration. GasDry Max can meet pipeline moisture specifications and is ideal for the most demanding natural gas dehydration applications, where natural gas producers and transporters need to prevent gas line freeze-ups, hydrate formation and condensation while operating under very cold ambient conditions.
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In many cases, GasDry Max can be used to dehydrate...
In many cases, GasDry Max can be used to dehydrate natural gas to meet pipeline moisture specifications.
When used in a properly sized natural gas dehydration vessel, GasDry Max will remove sufficient water vapor in the natural gas to establish a 10 - 13% relative humidity in the gas line.
GasDry Max is a hard tablet formed from hygroscopic materials that attract and hold moisture. The surface of the tablet slowly dissolves (deliquesces) and forms a solution. This solution falls to the claim area of the dryer vessel to be drained.
The materials in GasDry Max are non-toxic and fully water soluble.
GasDry Max is suitable for use when the gas temperature is at or below 100 F.
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