Novozymes A/S

Novozymes A/S

- Boost Ethanol



Boost ethanol capacity and profitability with our portfolio of viscosity-reducing xylanases. With Novozymes Viscozyme®, you can produce more CO2-neutral bioethanol than previously thought possible. This unique portfolio of xylanases breaks down the components of grains that would otherwise result in a thick consistency. The resulting thinner mash helps enzymes break material down into sugars for fermentation into ethanol.

Products Details

Viscozyme® also helps cut down on energy use by sparing the water that would otherwise be used to dilute and handle the mash, making it an environmentally-friendly alternative in more ways than one.

How Novozymes Viscozyme® enhances your production process

  • Superior viscosity reduction
  • Flexible raw material choice of wheat, triticale, barley and rye
  • Higher ethanol fuel output due to more dry matter in the mash
  • Lower operating costs
  • Flexible temperature use
  • Customized solutions that optimize your plant design and operations
Why viscosity-reducing enzymes? 

Producing fuel ethanol from cereals like wheat, triticale, barley, and rye is challenging. Non-starch polysaccharides like beta-glucans and arabinoxylans create high viscosity, which has a negative impact on downstream processes.

High viscosity limits the dry substance level in the process, increasing energy and water consumption and lowering ethanol yield. Non-starch polysaccharides also reduce the efficiency of separation, evaporation, and heat exchange.

Viscozyme® enzymes enable higher ethanol production capacity and lower operating costs. This means more choice of cereal and raw material quality together with the ability to process at higher dry substance levels.

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