Vital Energi - vTherm: The most efficient HIUs on the market
Vital Energi have officially launched their new range of Heat Interface Units (HIUs) known as vTherm which have the lowest Volume Weighted Average Return Temperatures (VWART) at 70°C of any HIU assessed under the BESA 2018 test regime.
The vTherm range is made up of two units:
vTherm°t – The thermostatically-controlled unit has been designed for value, efficiency and trouble-free commissioning and maintenance. These units feature high performance coupled with simple operation, providing instantaneous domestic hot water and heating that consumers can rely on.
vTherm°e – In addition, this electronically-controlled unit combines market-leading performance with intelligent data collection allowing performance to be remotely monitored. This brings a new level of analysis and control to 21st century heat networks and allows operators to create a cycle of continuous improvement.
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