WattNode - Model Plus - Power and Energy Meters
The WattNode® Pulse meter is a true RMS AC watt-hour transducer with pulse output (solid state relay closure) proportional to kWh consumed or produced. The WattNode Pulse meter provides 0.5% accurate kWh measurements at low cost to meet your needs for sub-metering, net-metering, energy management, and performance contracting applications. The WattNode pulse family measures 1, 2, or 3 phases in 2, 3, or 4 wire configurations. With voltage ratings from 120 to 600 Vac and current transformer (CT) ratings from 5 to 6000 amps, there is a meter and CT combination to measure all types of electrical services.
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Products Details
- Net Real Energy: kilowatt-hours - kWh (Phase A, B, C, sum of all phases)
- Positive Real Energy: kilowatt-hours (sum of all phases)
- Bidirectional Real Power: Watts (Phase A, B, C, and sum of all phases)
- Reactive Power: VARs (Phase A, B, C, and sum of all phases)
- Power Factor: PF (Phase A, B, C, all phases)
- Reactive Energy: kVAR-hours (All Phases)
- AC Frequency
- RMS Voltage: (Phase A, B, C)
- Computed RMS Current: (Phase A, B, C)
- Demand
- Peak Demand
- Supports LonWorks TP/FT-10 free topology twisted-pair network using Echelon's® LonTalk® (ANSI/CEA-709.1-B-2002) network protocol.
- LonMark 3.4 Certified
- Small form factor for easy installation inside most electrical panels, see a sample installation diagram.
- Pluggable screw terminals for easy wiring
- 0.5% nominal accuracy (see manual for details)
- True RMS power even with leading or lagging power factor and chopped or distorted waveforms
- Monitors variable speed drives, pumps, and motors
- Safe CT's (current transformers), output 0.333 Vac at rated current.
- Split core CTs for quick installation
- Solid core CTs are less expensive and prevent tampering
- Custom and standard Bus Bar sized CTs
- Assembled in USA, qualified under the Buy American provision in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).
- Five year warranty
These specifications apply to the following families of WattNode® meters with the LonTalk® protocol:
- WattNode Plus
- WattNode Plus Revenue
- Line powered
- Operating Voltage Range: –20% to +15% of the nominal rated voltage
- Power Line Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz
- CT Input: 0.333 Vac nominal, 0 to 0.5 Vac operating, 3 Vac maximum
Measurement Configurations
- Single phase: two or three wire
- Three phase, four wire wye
- Three phase: three wire delta
- Three phase: four wire delta
- Protocol: Echelon’s® LonTalk® (ANSI/CEA-709.1-B-2002, EN 14908, GB/Z 20177.1-2006)
- Transceiver: Echelon TP/FT-10
- Bit Rate: 78 kbps
- Maximum Nodes: 64 per subnet
- Maximum Distance:
- Free Topology: 500 meters
- Bus Topology: 2700 meters
- Maximum Stub Length:
- Free Topology: Unlimited
- Bus Topology: 3 meters
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