Waukesha - Model VGF Series - Gas Engines
From Gas Engines
For more than three decades, Waukesha Engine’s VGF series has delivered consistent critical power from a proven and reliable platform. Ideally suited for a variety of mobile and stationary applications, VGF high-horsepower engines feature smart controls and fuel flexibility. This enables users to maximize performance and durability while serving either prime power or backup power generation applications
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VGF Series Engine Benefits
Consistently outperforming in the oil & gas industry's most demanding environments, VGF engines offer key benefits, including:
All Applications
Available in 6-, 8-, 12- or 16-cylinder models, the VGF performs under extreme conditions to serve both power generation and gas compression applications.
Prime Power Generation
Longer service intervals deliver continuous power and reduce costs associated with maintenance, labor, parts and unplanned downtime.
Backup Power Generation
A variety of natural gas options provide cleaner burning emissions and a more consistent and reliable source of ongoing power in longer outages.met,
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