To calculate wind turbine power, you need to estimate two values: the available wind power and the efficiency of the wind turbine. Multiplying these two values produces an estimate of the output power of the wind turbine. Below you can find the whole procedure:
Sweep area of the turbine
Before finding the wind power, you need to determine the swept area of the turbine according to the following equations:
For HAWT: A = π * L²
For VAWT: A = D * H
Finding the efficiency of the turbine
You can find the total efficiency of the turbine as follows:
μ = (1 - kₘ) * (1 - kₑ) * (1 - ke,t) *(1 - kt) * (1 - kw) * Cₚ
is the turbine efficiency. It must be lower than the Betz limit (59.3%), and is typically between 30-40%
are the wake losses due to neighboring turbines and the terrain topography, typically 3-10%
are the mechanical losses of the blades and gearbox, typically 0-0.3%
are the electrical losses of the turbine, typically 1-1.5%
are the electrical losses of transmission to grid, typically 3-10%
is the percentage of time out of order due to failure or maintenance, typically 2-3%
is the real efficiency
Efficiency is usually expressed as a percentage, but you input it into the formula as a fraction (for example, 30% = 0.3).
Calculate the available wind power
Once you know the sweep area, you can find the available wind power according to this formula:
Pwind = 0.5 * ρ * v³ * A
is the sweep area
is the air density, assumed to be 1.225 kg/m³ by default (you can change it in advanced mode)
is the wind speed – the typical usable range is approximately 3-25 m/s
is the available wind power
Calculating the output power
To find the wind turbine power, simply multiply the efficiency by the wind power available:
Poutput = μ * Pwind