Wort Kettle
From Brewery Plants
Wort kettle is regarded as the turning point in the brewing of Beer. Any Change in every boiling practice is to be monitored carefully and thoroughly to ensure they do not affect the quality and flavour of the final beer. Generally boiling wort at, or near, normal atmospheric pressure gives the most acceptable results.
Unique Features of PRAJ WORT KETTLE
- Options of External as well as internal wort boiling system.
- Variable speed control of wort circulation pump provides gentle handling of wort & helps in maintaining hot break together.
- The special design fountain entry of wort provides the large surface for the volatiles removal.
- Low pressure steam and hence lower temperature difference reduces the themal stress exerted on wort.
- Lower heat flux and Optimum heat transfer area ensures more number of brews between cleaning.
- Less energy consumption.
- Heat recovery system as an add on module.
Advantages of PRAJ WORT KETTLE
- Low energy consumption compared to conventional boiling systems.
- Excellent volatiles stripping capability.
- Improved hops Utilization.
- Effective hot break formation.
- Low shear - Vigorous boiling.
- Lower TBU increase means Lower thermal degradation of wort.
- Lower DMS values.
PRAJ e-COMBOILER: Internal Boiler
e-COMBOILER is an innovation , which combines the best features of the conventional internal and external boiler.
- Lower operating cost.
- Easy access for tube cleaning.
- Preheating at lower copper volume.
- Less water/caustic requirement during CIP resulting into lower ETP load.
- Preheating of wort within the boiler itself.
The system comprises a cylindrical shell and tube heat exchanger with vertical tubes, which are heated from the outside by saturated steam. As a result the wort rises above the surface. It gets deflected off a distributor cap from where it falls back to the wort boiler surface.
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