Henan Yuanda Boiler Corporation Ltd.

Henan Yuanda Boiler Corporation Ltd.

- Model DZL & DZH Series - Biomass Boiler



Most popular biomass boiler: DZ series biomass boiler, including DZL automatic biomass boiler, DZH manual biomass boiler, DZG biomass boiler, DZW biomass boiler. Structure: DZ series boiler is horizontal three-pass water & fire tube boilers with grate combustion device. Threaded pyrotechnic tubes are arranged in the drum to form a convection heating surface, while the drum and the water walls on both sides from a radiation heating surface in the furnace.


  • Smoke and dust separator chamber :  Separate smoke and dust according to inertia,reduce the original effluent concentration of soot.
  • Optimized design CAD : Choose the best furnace from dozens of options,improve economical efficiency.
  • Convex tube plate
    • 1) Improve tube plate flexibility, so as to reduce the heating stress of welded sew at the pipe end.
    • 2) Prevent tube plate cracking, cancel bracing,simplify the structure.
  • Large size of simple circulation loop drop pipe and lower set box : Increase the flow rate of water on water cooling wall in order to prevent subcooled boiling. To prevent pipe explosion,Increase the reliability of water cycle
  • New pattern of furnace arch : Strengthen the combustion, could burn kinds of fuel: wood, coal and biomass, improve combustion efficiency.


  • DZL package boilers are horizontal three-pass water & fire tube boilers with a chain grate stoker structure. Threaded pyrotechnic tubes are arranged in the drum to form a convection heating surface,while the drum and the water walls on both sides from a radiation heating surface in the furnace.
  • DZH manual feed boiler, biomass fired boiler with travelling grate, it's the single drum type horizontal three return boilers with fire tubes and water tubes, radiation heat surface in furnace water wall and stove sides. convection heating surface in furnace flanks and threaded tube.

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