ZX Lidars

ZX Lidars

- Model 300 - Onshore Wind Lidar


Full IEC Classification, the longest service and warranty period as standard of any Lidar and accepted by DNV GL as a Stage 3 Bankable Lidar.

Product Details

ZX 300 at a glance:

  • Remotely measure the wind from 10 to 200+ metres above ground.
  • Reduce your measurement uncertainty by measuring higher than a met mast and by mobilising measurements across a whole site.
  • Better manage health & safety requirements on site with no need to work at height.
  • Be flexible within your planning applications by using a low visual impact, low height device.
  • Start your measurement campaign tomorrow with little or no site preparation or planning permits required.
  • ZX 300 is fully IEC Classified to IEC 61400-12-1: 2017.
  • Take confidence from our 3 year Warranty and Service Interval.
  • Accepted without the need of a met mast by DNV GL in simple terrain and Deutsche WindGuard in complex terrain, when using ZX Complex Flow Solver
ZX 300 represents a mid-life upgrade of our established ZephIR 300 wind Lidar, originally launched in 2011. New features include:
  • Modernised internal components. These benefits are realised through increased in-field performance and long-term serviceability. ZX 300 is provided as standard with an extensive 36 month return-to-base warranty – the longest of any Lidar.
  • Real-time Quality Controlled 1-second data. This new best-in-class resolution of wind data enables emerging Lidar applications within the wind, meteorological and associated industries such as crane lifts and helicopter operations. No other Lidar provides a full 360° wind field calculation derived from just one second of data.
  • Refreshed User Interface. Additional contrast modes and streamlined menu systems promote easier navigation when deploying and configuring ZX 300
  • Performance Verification against Golden Lidar provided as standard.

In addition, ZX 300 features optimised processing for improved wind data quality control. Extensive field demonstrations have been performed on ZX 300 at the UK Remote Sensing Test Site, with analysis of deployments spanning several years over all seasons and weather conditions with results showing excellent performance and a step forward in the existing accuracy that is considered Stage 3, suitable for standalone wind energy assessments, by DNV GL. ZX 300 is fully IEC Classified to IEC 61400-12-1: 2017.

Floating Platforms


Floating Platforms

Doppler Remote sensors measure the wind by detecting the line-of-sight Doppler shift caused by scattering of laser light from aerosols (or in the case of sodar, audible sound scattered by turbulence). Significant motion of the remote sensor affects the relative line-of-sight velocity and can lead to unreliable wind data.

However, continuous wave (CW) lidars can deliver exceptional sensitivity, achieved by focussing all the energy from the onboard laser at the chosen range, and this permits high data rates by scanning at 50Hz / 50 data points per second / measurements every 20ms. Any motion is frozen over this short integration time, so that in many high motion applications, such as those found on floating platforms or when mounted on the nacelle / in the spinner of wind turbines, high quality wind measurement can be carried out without compensation.

Providers of platform technology have also made independent assessments of all remote sensors available and they are summarised below where available. Interested readers should conduct a thorough review of all options available as some prototype platforms are not yet in the commercial domain; the information shown below is correct at time of publication.

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