Renewable Energy Product Applications In India

35 applications found
  • Premium

    Air pollution control solution for bio mass refining and fuel gasification industry

    Renewable fuels and alternative energy has looked too wet scrubbing to control acid gasses and particulates for an even greener ...

    By CR Clean Air Group, LLC Distributor in Ahmedabad, INDIA.

  • Premium

    Analytical Instruments for Chemical Analysis of Biofuels and Synthetic Fuels

    Learn about Analytik Jena's elemental analysis techniques for the determination of metal and non-metal elements, e.g., carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine, in renewable bio- and secondary derived fuels and their variable source materials. The methods described are ideal for process control and adaptation, the quality control of final products and legal limit adherence, such as TS legal limits for ...

    By Analytik Jena - an EndressHauser Company Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.

  • Groundbreaking Direct Hydraulic Drive Technology for Semiconductors and Electronics

    AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR THE SEMICONDUCTOR AND ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY. The semiconductor industry is engaged in the design and fabrication of semiconductors and semiconductor devices such as integrated circuits. The semiconductor and electronics manufacturing industry have a very special set of automation needs, including mechatronic modules designed for smooth motion during wafer handling, non-contact material transport through the process chambers and nano-meterscale positioning accuracies. Our wealth of ...

    By Hägglunds Office in Pune, INDIA.

  • Sun sensor technologies solutions for renewable energy industry

    With the know-how obtained after years of experience in the space sector, we have migrated our sun sensor technology to terrestrial applications without losing performance and ...

    By Solar MEMS Technologies S.L. Distributor in Bangalore, INDIA.

  • Heat Exchangers Solutions for Evaporation & Concentration of Environmental Waste Streams Sector

    Evaporation is a proven and effective way of reducing the volume of many waste streams. HRS Heat Exchangers offer solutions for the evaporation and concentration of waste streams from a wide variety of industries, such as water treatment, bioenergy and food production. A common issue when treating certain waste streams with standard evaporation technologies (such as falling film) is that when heated, they can foul equipment. As the concentration of solids increases during the evaporation process, so does the risk ...

    By HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd. Office in Pune, INDIA.

  • Power Generation Solutions for Marine Power Sector

    Solar Turbines provides best-in-class energy solutions with turbomachinery for power generation. In the marine industry, our wide range of solutions will maximize availability, reliability and value throughout the life of your vessel's propulsion ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.

  • Temperature and gas sensing solutions products for solar photovoltaics

    Utilize innovative power system technology that can increase productivity and reduce costs. To compete in today’s energy market, photovoltaic (PV) fabrication enterprises require solar PV manufacturing equipment that increases productivity and reduces costs. Advanced Energy is a major supplier of power systems for solar PV manufacturing. We offer economic and quality advantages via innovative power system technology. We’re dedicated to your mission of deploying sustainable energy production around the ...

    By Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. Office in Mumbai, INDIA.

  • High performance separation system for fuel gas streams

    Fuel Gas Streams are frequently contaminated with liquid aerosols. The liquid exists as a stable and persistent “smoke” in the gas stream. The liquid contaminant can enter the gas stream through any one of a variety of events including – phase separation and condensation, compressor lube-oils from compression, chemical addition to pipelines (including corrosion inhibitors), and entrainment from overheads of contact ...

    By Pentair Filtration Solutions, LLC Office in Verna, Salcette, INDIA.

  • High Performance Separation System for Lube Oil Industry

    Many lube oil recovery processes create aqueous and hydrocarbon emulsions that are difficult to separate by means of conventional liquid/liquid separations technology. Accomplishing the desired separation requires that these emulsified droplets be captured. Conventional coalescers are unable to provide the degree of brightness and clarity associated with good separation due to the inability to capture and remove the most penetrating droplets that indicate carry-over. Pentair Porous Media technologies have been ...

    By Pentair Filtration Solutions, LLC Office in Verna, Salcette, INDIA.

  • Braking systems solutions for the renewable energy sector

    Braking systems solutions for the renewable energy ...

    By Hilliard Corporation Distributor in New Delhi, INDIA.

  • Heat Exchangers Solutions for Anaerobic Digestion (AD) and Biogas Industry

    Biogas is a gaseous fuel containing large amounts of methane (biomethane) which is produced by the anaerobic digestion of biological material under controlled ...

    By HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd. Office in Pune, INDIA.

  • Flow & energy management solutions for pharmaceutical & semiconductor industry

    Several Spire Metering flowmeters are excellent for measuring engine fuel consumption and monitoring engine efficiency within Pharmaceutical & Semiconductor ...

    By Spire Metering Technology, LLC. Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.

  • Solutions to electric and gas utilities industry

    As the owner-operator of an electric and gas transmission and distribution network, you need to plan, design, manage, and operate your utility infrastructure. Whether your focus is electric and gas distribution networks, transmission networks, or electric substations, you can benefit from Bentley’s comprehensive solutions for utilities infrastructure. We can help you meet the challenges of expanding customer expectations, increasing demand, and growing compliance ...

    By Bentley Systems, Incorporated Office in New Delhi, INDIA.

  • Measurement solution for Biomass combustion research

    The use of alternative combustion fuels that provide a renewable source of energy is a major area of research and investment. Sources of biomass fuels include virgin wood, energy crops, agricultural residues, food waste and industrial waste. Controlling the combustion process of any new fuel and keeping track of the biomass fuel emissions of combustion by-products is important to users of these new ...

    By Protea Limited Distributor in Baroda, INDIA.

  • Industrial gas detection solutions for wind turbines / power generation industry

    DOD Technologies provides products in various applications that utilize, manufacture, or expel toxic, corrosive, and combustible gases. However, we also provide solutions outside of gas detection. Wind turbines utilize large blades propelled by the wind to generate renewable energy. One major challenge with wind is that it doesn’t come from the same direction every day. Therefore, wind turbines are fixed to rotating head that can optimize the collection of wind energy. This rotating head utilizes bearings to ...

    By DOD Technologies Inc Distributor in , INDIA.

  • Power generation solutions for renewable energy sector

    Solar has a history of supporting renewable fuels, committing research and development toward modifying our turbines to burn various low energy fuels ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.

  • LowNOx Systems for Nitrogenous Fuels

    During the combustion of organic fuels with a high nitrogen content, NOx concentrations of up to several thousand mg or ppm are produced during a normal combustion process. The most efficient primary measure for NOx reduction is the staged combustion, where the combustion air is applied in two or more stages, depending on the ...

    By CS Combustion Solutions GmbH Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.

  • Gas Detection Solutions for Power Generation Industry

    Boreal possess an array of products for the power generation industry from emissions stack monitoring, boiler room monitoring, chloride leak detection, and ammonia slip in deNOX. Boreal’s products are tailor made for coal fired power plants, natural gas fired, and waste-to-energy. Whether gas detection is used for safety, process, or environmental reasons, Boreal has you ...

    By Boreal Laser Inc. Distributor in , INDIA.

  • Power generation solutions for food and beverage industry

    Solar Turbines provides energy solutions with our gas turbines for power generation, and has extensive experience in the food and beverage industry. Our cogeneration products will increase reliability, efficiency and uptime, avoiding production downtime for your brewery, distillery or food processing plant. With the purchase of our products, Solar offers lifecycle support with one of our Long-Term Service options. Using our combined heat and power technology, Solar can help produce steam for your operations and ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Mumbai, INDIA.

  • Groundbreaking Direct Hydraulic Drive Technology for Renewable Energies

    CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION. Renewable energy is collected from resources that are naturally replenishing but flow-limited, including carbon neutral sources like sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat. In order to meet increasing worldwide demand for energy, it is necessary to harness energy from renewable sources in order to provide ecologically and economically sustainable and efficient methods of power generation. From production machinery for solar panels to the ...

    By Hägglunds Office in Pune, INDIA.

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