Distributed Renewable Energy Equipment Supplied In USA

6 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by All Power Labs
    based in USA

    The 80 kWe containerized Power Pallet system also provides 100 kWth of thermal energy via the integrated CHP systems from the two PP30s. Also included is a battery storage system and inverter to allow the continuous 50 kW output of the Power Pallets to be combined with an additional 30 kW from the batteries for a combined intermittent output of 80 kWe. These are bespoke systems that will be ...

  • based in USA

    The Modular Energy Production System (MEPS®) is a patented, self-contained, and fully automated biofuel refinery. All MEPS® are pre-fabricated and tested in a factory. They can be shipped anywhere in the world in shipping container-sized modules that can be easily installed. ...

  • Manufactured by GameChange Solar LP.
    based in USA

    Our MV transformers are designed to the latest industry standards and offer many options to fit your unique project's needs. We specialize in transformers designed to meet the requirements of today's energy infrastructure. Customized pad-mounted transformers for renewable energy, distribution or storage needs up to 10,000 kVA and voltages up to 35kV. Our Transformers are manufactured in ...

  • based in USA

    Integrated power control systems for low and medium voltage renewable applications. Our systems have been developed to cleanly and efficiently absorb the dips and spikes in the availability of renewables, providing an even supply of electrical energy into the grid at a local, regional or national ...

  • based in USA

    DERP Technologies, LLC systems, products and services help bridge the gap between today’s legacy grid and tomorrow’s smart grid. DERPTECH is focusing on designing interconnection devices and business models that bring more clean distributed electrical power into the grid at the utility local distribution network level and provide energy assurance systems through microgrids serving ...

  • Manufactured by Pfister Energy
    based in USA

    Battery Storage systems are quickly becoming a crucial component of the expanding commercial solar market. This helps meet the demands on unstable grid energy, heavy cycling and irregular full recharging. Batteries convert electricity into chemical potential energy for storage and back into electrical energy as needed. They smooth out the variability of flow and store excess energy when demand is ...

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