Renewable Energy Equipment Supplied In Australasia
PremiumManufactured by Inciner8 Limitedbased in UNITED KINGDOM
Get something back from your waste with our innovative range of heat exchange modules. Inciner8 have found the optimal way to convert energy from waste and make it usable whether you need it for washing, disinfection, heating, or for your technological process. Inciner8's unique, patented air heat exchangers are a recovery technology that enables temperature regulation, and prevents excess water ...
PremiumManufactured by Inciner8 Limitedbased in UNITED KINGDOM
Inciner8 have developed a new Waste to Energy solution that utilises moving grate technology to provide a more consistent stream of waste fuel to power electricl generation 24/7. The i8-E35 has been designed from the ground up specifically for the waste to energy sector. It has been tested rigourously with a variety of RDF waste types to ensure optimum performance with a wide range of feedstocks ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
The model CEJS High Voltage Electrode Steam Boiler is the proven leader with more hours of operating experience over a wide range of applications than any competitor. The CEJS electrodes are vertically mounted around the inside of the pressure vessel which enables the CEJS to produce maximum amounts of steam in a minimum amount of floor ...
PremiumManufactured by Inciner8 Limitedbased in UNITED KINGDOM
The i8-1000G has the highest capacity of our range of general waste incinerators with suitability for various waste streams such as solid waste, MSW, RDF, wood, paper, cardboard and plastics. The flagship model within our general lineup is the i8-1000G. It took over three years to develop and is are the forefront of combustion technology, offering impressive burn rates and large batch sizes while ...
PremiumManufactured by Inciner8 Limitedbased in UNITED KINGDOM
Waste to Energy has become something of a talking point when the subject of processing waste is discussed. Here at INCINER8, we have spent many years researching and developing new ways to produce energy from burning waste. This renewable energy solution is extremely popular and is constantly being enhanced. It can reduce the volume of waste to just 10% in bottom ash for most ...
PremiumManufactured by Inciner8 Limitedbased in UNITED KINGDOM
Get something back from your waste with our innovative range of heat exchange modules. Inciner8 have found the optimal way to convert energy from waste and make it usable whether you need it for washing, disinfection, heating, or for your technological ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
AERZEN oil-free, compressing screw compressors are used in a variety of highly demanding areas of application, namely those in which the quality of the conveyed medium can significantly influence the production process and the finished ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The GMD series, made by AERZEN, is the universal gastight booster solution for the low pressure range. Equipped with a magnetic coupling, it ensures a maintenance-free sealing concept. Locking systems for sealing the drive shaft are completely eliminated and allow a low-maintenance machine concept. The separation between oil and process side is achieved by a special piston ring ...
Manufactured by scan GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
The con::cube is a compact and versatile terminal designed for efficient data acquisition and station control. It integrates modern processor technology, making it adaptable for interfacing with SCADA systems or central databases. This terminal excels in signal monitoring and data management due to its expanded input options, including SDI12 interfaces, and can accommodate a wide array of sensors ...
Manufactured by Tritium Pty Ltd.based in AUSTRALIA
The Tritium NEVI system lets you charge more vehicles with less equipment and cost than comparable charging systems. Our NEVI solution features four 150kW chargers connected to two power rectifier (AC-to-DC) units. It provides eight charging ports that can be configured with CCS and/or NACS connectors. Tritium chargers deliver greater than 98% uptime and use Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) and ...
Manufactured by Tidy Planet Limitedbased in UNITED KINGDOM
Sugimat Waste to Energy Plants are designed to optimise the combustion of waste derived fuels. Sugimat have been manufacturing industrial boilers for solid wastes for 40 years. As specialists in heat output as thermal oil and manufacturers of bespoke systems to work with variable fuels this makes them ideally suited for the Tidy Planet SWIP ...
Manufactured by Lindner-Recyclingtech GmbHbased in AUSTRIA
Lindner machines are ideal for the multi-stage processing of waste from municipal, commercial and industrial waste into a high-calorific premium SRF product. For Lindner users this means: solid recovered fuels free of foreign objects such as metals, stones or glass. Supply or clinker quality issues are finally a thing of the past. Enjoy almost maintenance-free, reliable SRF processing with ...
by juwi AGbased in GERMANY
Approved microgrid controller from Siemens as a technical base for the juwi Hybrid IQ microgrid solution. A new technological partnership between Siemens and juwi supports the mining industry regarding their energy supply: The objective is the collaborative introduction and further development of a modern control system for microgrids that enables a smooth integration of electricity from ...
Manufactured by Güntner U.S. LLC.based in USA
Factory fitted rigging lugs allow for positioning directly from truck. Space saving construction with increased capacity. Low width and weight. Approx. 50% more capacity per footprint. Side by side installation allows for higher capacities with a reduced ...
Manufactured by Clarke Energybased in UNITED KINGDOM
The Waukesha Series Four rich-burn engines are the engines of choice for the harshest and most demanding gas compression, power generation and mechanical drive applications. The engines can reliably produce more power on hot field gases, at high altitudes, and in remote locations, all while delivering low emissions when paired with a 3-way catalyst (non-selective catalytic ...
Manufactured by Cummins Inc.based in USA
Cummins Power Generation commercial generator sets are fully integrated power generation systems providing optimum performance, reliability and versatility for stationary standby and prime power ...
Manufactured by Finnchain Oybased in FINLAND
Finnchain Solar Cover is designed to prevent odors from the tank. For this reason, the roof modules are connected closely and if necessary, activated charcoal filters can be used for deaeration. At the same time this also prevents harmful gases from entering the ...
Manufactured by Pyrotech Energybased in AUSTRALIA
Mobile PyroGasification plants are standard equipped with a dosing silo on top of the installation. The biochar is removed from the reactor with a screw conveyor, the syngas can be sent to flare for thermal use or used as a gaseous biofuel connected to a gas generator for electricity ...
Distributed by Powertech Ltd.based in NEW ZEALAND
Selectronic was founded in 1964 and quickly established itself as a major manufacturer of custom made transformers and inductors. In 1981 they established a new division for power conversion products in the emerging renewable energy market. Selectronic place a major emphasis on consistent quality to the customer. Their effective Quality System ensures continuous improvement in all aspects of ...
Manufactured by Kourispower Pty. Ltd.based in AUSTRALIA
The KCT is the world’s first patented vortex turbine, operated using the spin as distinct from the fall of water, in the waterway, reservior or on land. The KCT harnesses the energy in a vortex, drawing from the Coriolis Force to produce approximately 27% more electricity when combined with a conventional turbine, as revealed during proof of concept testing at Kalorama. The KCT has been ...
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