Renewable Energy Equipment Supplied In Sweden
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
AERZEN oil-free, compressing screw compressors are used in a variety of highly demanding areas of application, namely those in which the quality of the conveyed medium can significantly influence the production process and the finished ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The GMD series, made by AERZEN, is the universal gastight booster solution for the low pressure range. Equipped with a magnetic coupling, it ensures a maintenance-free sealing concept. Locking systems for sealing the drive shaft are completely eliminated and allow a low-maintenance machine concept. The separation between oil and process side is achieved by a special piston ring ...
Manufactured by AB Combustion & Iridescencebased in SWEDEN
The ABC&I high technology systems creates a chemical reactor volume inside the NOx-producing boiler or furnace. Examples of used chemical agents and reactions are shown below. The chemical reactions and reactant stoechiometry are controlled by an intelligent software. Advanced construction materials used in the system satisfies requirements in respect to corrosion, temperature, wear and ...
based in SWEDEN
Smoltek has developed a prototype of the thinnest discrete capacitor in the world. Its total building height is less than 40 micrometers (38.2 µm to be exact). You have to stack a bunch of them on top of each other to reach the same height as today’s industry-standard regarding surface-mounted discrete capacitors. The capacitor, without encapsulation and substrate, is merely 0.5 to 10 ...
based in SWEDEN
Hydro power harnesses the energy present in the movement of water, and is by far the leading renewable energy source in the EU. According to the sector association Eurelectric, hydro power accounted for approximately 16 per cent of the EU's electricity generation and about 54 per cent of total renewable electricity generation in ...
based in SWEDEN
SENS offers solutions for large-scale battery storage, both behind the meter together with renewable energy production but also as independent resources to be used for frequency control and grid stability. We can also help if you are considering installing batteries yourself, either as a project developer or with selective, expert ...
Manufactured by Liquid Windbased in SWEDEN
We will capture carbon dioxide and combine this with hydrogen, made from renewable electricity and water, to produce carbon neutral fuel, eMethanol. Converting electricity into liquid energy makes it easier to store and use. Advancing the electrification of mobility and industry to reduce carbon ...
Manufactured by BMH Technology Oybased in FINLAND
The TYRANNOSAURUS SRF Process turns waste into high quality Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF). The plant consists of highly robust, heavy-duty, industrial design equipment. All machines are created and optimized to work together to deliver an extremely efficient waste to fuel plant. The plants are highly automated and delivered as ...
Manufactured by Tenmat ltdbased in UNITED KINGDOM
FEROFORM T814 is a composite material made from woven fibre bonded with resin with PTFE as a friction ...
by Nextfuel Abbased in SWEDEN
Our technological breakthrough is a result of years of R&D by an industrial consortium, with research grants from the Austrian state/EU, which perfected a new advanced form of proven torrefaction technology we call NextFuel Torrefaction Technology. A unique feature of this technology is the built-in heat exchange element which have a very positive influence on scalability. Until now the ...
Manufactured by engcon Nordic ABbased in SWEDEN
A compact, powerful tiltrotator with low weight for excavators up to 9 tons. If the EC209 is selected with engcon’s standard quick hitch S45 and the proportional control system DC2, EC-Oil is offered an automatic quick hitch system as a standard. This means that the tiltrotator and hydraulic tools can be connected & disconnected without the operator needing to leave the cab. Comes ...
Manufactured by Babcock & Wilcox Vølund ABbased in SWEDEN
The demand for cooling in buildings is increasing. The reasons are, besides the demand for comfort, the improved insulation of buildings nowadays and the increasing number of heat-producing Machines as computers and other Electronic Equipment. This provides district heating companies with new business opportunities based on the same concept as district heating where cooling is produced centrally ...
Manufactured by Babcock & Wilcox Vølund ABbased in SWEDEN
We can provide CUTNOX for the reduction of NOx products from incinerator processes as stand-alone units for installation in existing or new furnaces. We offer SCR primarily as an integrated part of a complete flue gas cleaning ...
Manufactured by Alfa Laval Corporate ABbased in SWEDEN
The AlfaBlue BC series is a wide range of heavy-duty air cooled condensers for air conditioning and refrigeration applications. AlfaBlue condensers are available for both horizontal and vertical air direction, either in single (BCM) or dual (BCD) coil ...
Manufactured by Innoventum ABbased in SWEDEN
The Giraffe is designed to charge everything from electric vehicles to homes and houses with energy from both wind and sun. The solution consists of a wooden structure that holds 24 solar panels and a wind turbine that is mounted at a height of 12 m. The design was unveiled in 2014 at Asia’s largest design fair – Business of Design Week in Hong Kong. The Giraffe has many applicable ...
Manufactured by Danstoker A/Sbased in DENMARK
Type: High pressure steam or high pressure hot water boiler. 3-pass. Fuel: Solid fuel/biomass. Steam rating: 800 – 16.000 kg/h. Heat capacity: 525 – 10.000 kW. Pressure: Design pressure 8, 12, 16 and 19 bar-g. ...
Manufactured by Danstoker A/Sbased in DENMARK
Type: Combined panel-wall and fire tube boiler. Low and high pressure hot water boiler and high pressure steam ...
Manufactured by Osby Parcabased in SWEDEN
The PB2 is a modern, vertical flue gas tube fitted biomass boiler with low emission values and high operation safety. The boilers vertical flue gas tubes are fitted with an automatic cleaning system that guarantees a consistently high boiler efficiency is maintained without the need for frequent shut downs or manual cleaning. This reduces both labour- and alternative fuel costs. An automatic ash ...
Manufactured by Muntersbased in USA
The VariMax™ OTH (Once-Through Heater) is a high efficiency, industrial, indirect-fired gas heater used to heat process air streams without contaminating the air with the products of combustion. The OTH is well-suited for recirculating ovens, dryers, makeup-air applications in cold environments, and industrial processes with moderate temperature rises. The counterflow configuration, ...
Manufactured by Heat Managementbased in SWEDEN
By harnessing the power of infrasound, Infrafone offers soot cleaning solutions that reduce soot build-up on economizers, boilers, catalysts and ducts. In this way the usage of steam soot blowers is reduced or eliminated, the life time of heat exchangers prolonged, and the appearance of soot on deck reduced ...
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