Refuse Derived Fuels (RDF) Suppliers For Renewable Energy
UNTHA UK provides the country’s most comprehensive range of waste shredders, designed to increase clients’ profitability through engineering excellence, efficiency and reliability. Drawing upon a rich heritage of waste shredding expertise and ...
Service providerbased in Newport Beach, CALIFORNIA (USA)
Headquartered in Newport Beach, CA, FirmGreen, Inc., is a privately held, integrated energy company participating in virtually all aspects of the global green energy business. FirmGreen identifies, develops and commercializes new and emerging ...
Manufacturerbased in Massing, GERMANY
Think innovatively – act sustainably. For more than 40 years, we have combined innovative thinking with sustainable action and have been committed to climate-friendly heat generation. We are committed to sustainability not only in our products, but ...
Manufacturerbased in Hutchinson, KANSAS (USA)
Based out of Hutchinson Kansas, is the world’s leading manufacturer of Scotch Marine Firetube and high efficiency Condensing boilers as well as associated boiler room equipment for process steam, hot water, and waste recovery. Superior Boiler Works ...
Manufacturerbased in Rieti , ITALY
RESET is an engineering and manufacturing company headquartered in Rieti – Italy: our core business is renewable energy and circular economy. Owner of 2 international patents, the company was founded in 2015 by a team of 10 people, including the 4 ...
Technologybased in Stuttgart, GERMANY
OCEANERGY's mission is reliable and low-cost supply of green hydrogen or e-fuels. Intermittent green electricity alone is not sufficient to decarbonize our energy and feedstock systems. The backbone will be hydrogen or synthetic CO2-neutral e-fuels, ...
Manufacturerbased in Santa Fe, NEW MEXICO (USA)
Bluenergy offers some of the most promising technologies in the renewable energy sector. Bluenergy has developed and continues to enhance proprietary technologies for renewable energies. Bluenergy Solarwind, Inc., was established in 2006 to launch, ...
Manufacturerbased in White Castle, LOUISIANA (USA)
American Biocarbon is a renewable energy company that manufactures a biocarbon fuel derived from sugarcane bagasse to be used as a direct substitute for coal in electric fired utilities. Our first commercial facility is co-located at the Cora Texas ...
Service providerbased in Toledo, OHIO (USA)
The N-Viro conversion process recycles bioorganic materials such as wastewater residuals, livestock manure, and paper pulp remains. The resource conversion method know as the N-Viro process involves mixing a bioorganic (biosolids, animal manure, ...
Manufacturerbased in Tupos,, FINLAND
Adopting new renewable energy sources is one of the greatest future opportunities of our planet. Biomasses are a potential alternative to fossil fuels. There is tangible evidence of this from Kempele Ecovillage since 2009. The electricity and heat ...
Professional associationbased in Brussels, BELGIUM
ePURE represents the interests of European renewable ethanol producers to the EU institutions, industry stakeholders, the media, academia and the general public. Based in Brussels, ePURE speaks for 42 member companies and associations, with around ...
Manufacturerbased in Hinnerup, DENMARK
Energig is a leading Offgrid supplier in Scandinavia. We focus on Offgrid electrical installations, based mainly on renewable energy. With our focus on Offgrid, we have a lot of experience and knowledge in the Offgrid area. We want to help you with ...
Engineering service providerbased in Pune, INDIA
Turnkey projects for Industrial fermentation and alternative feedstock for ethanol production. Praj is a globally leading Company with a number of processes and systems for ethanol and biodiesel production to its credit. With references in more than ...
Training providerbased in Morgantown, WEST VIRGINIA (USA)
National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC), a pioneer and national leader in developing, managing, and promoting programs to help improve our nation’s energy independence and encourage the use of cleaner transportation. The NAFTC is the ...
Manufacturerbased in East Kilbride, UNITED KINGDOM
Energy Technology Centre is located on the Scottish Enterprise Technology Park in East Kilbride and occupies a facility which was formerly part of the UK National Engineering Laboratory. Our primary focus is on the development of energy conversion ...
Manufacturerbased in Gauting, GERMANY
DHYBRID offers turn-key solutions as well as individualized control systems for your hybrid energy supply. We combine every conventional energy supply, like diesel generators or instable grid power, with renewable energy supply and storage ...
Technologybased in Espoo, FINLAND
Working towards a fully renewable generation of electricity. We believe in the energy transition as the way to mitigate the acceleration of climate change. To finally provide a real alternative to fossil fuels, we need to find ways to overcome the ...
Manufacturerbased in Kinrooi, BELGIUM
We are a Belgium based company with a primary focus of reducing the demand for cutting down of trees and preserving the environment. We do this by distributing our carefully designed PANDA cookers that are highly energy efficient. The cookers are ...
Manufacturerbased in Rauma, FINLAND
BMH Technology Oy is specialized in turnkey deliveries of SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel) production plants and solid fuel handling systems for power plants and cement kilns. We do it all: design, build, install, service. Delivery of comprehensive ...
Manufacturerbased in Puchong, MALAYSIA
Pollution Engineering is an environmental engineering Malaysian company established since 1980. The company’s principal business activity is technology provider for wastewater (sewage treatment plant, industrial wastewater treatment plant, river and ...
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