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Renewable Energy Systems Product Applications

29 applications found
  • Metal Stamping for Renewable Energy

    Res is where the future of sustainable energy systems is taking shape. Our expertise in aluminum and stainless steel stamping, as well as powder coating metal parts and welded assemblies, makes us the go-to supplier for manufacturers of solar panels, electric vehicles, LED lighting and other green technologies. Count on Res to help you design and economically produce parts for a variety of renewable energy systems applications, ...

    By Res Manufacturing Company based in Milwaukee, WISCONSIN (USA).

  • Commerce and Subscriber Management Software Solutions for Energy & Utilities

    The Energy sector has evolved dramatically, disrupted forever by digital innovation. The shift to digital – alongside the continually evolving challenges of deregulation, growing competition, sustainability and unbundling – puts Energy and Utilities providers in a period of unprecedented ...

    By CloudSense based in London, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Integrated real-time gas analysis solution for solar PV industry

    Solar technology as a renewable energy technology is spreading around the world, with major manufacturing operations occurring in China, Germany, Spain, and the U.S. For solar photovoltaics, specialty chemicals are required for the production of the photovoltaic ...

    By CIC Photonics based in Albuquerque, NEW MEXICO (USA).

  • Electrochemical solutions and water technologies for renewable energy storage

    Energy storage in batteries or chemical fuels such as hydrogen or synthetic natural gas (produced through water electrolysis) will be crucial to the worldwide large scale deployment of fluctuating renewable ...

    By Industrie De Nora S.p.A. based in Milan, ITALY.

  • Engine and Generator for OEMs

    We work directly with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to optimise the efficiency of their engines and generator sets (gensets) through lower fuel consumption and reduced ...

    By Bowman Power Group Ltd based in Southampton, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Renewable Energy Systems for Solar Powered Water Pump and Solar Powered DC Motors

    There are several ways to use solar power for applications such as water pumping or motorized appliances: Low voltage direct trom paralleled PV-moduies: higher voltage irom series string PV-modules. or conversion of the DC to AC for AC powered motors. Low voltage direct requires conductors with sufficient ampacity which can significantly increase cost, especially over any distance. Series string, high voltage means a highly variable voltage presented to the device as the MPPT of the array changes constantly. ...

    By eIQ Energy based in Santa Clara, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Renewable energy solutions for the saving energy industry

    Frequency inverter reconstruction of Power Plant promoted heightening of economy benefit. Frequency inverter won acceptance of user as its high reliability, flexible adjustment and simple operation. A Power Plant was set up in June, 2000. Its predecessor was one of key plants of state. The plant put into service in 1957. Now it has 4×50MW, 2×142MW, total ten boilers and six generators. Total capacity is 484MW. The plant supplies power to big enterprise near to ...

    By Shenzhen Veikong Electric Co.,Ltd based in Shenzhen, CHINA.

  • Harvest biomass for renewable energy solutions for furniture industry

    High-end furniture does not have to be made from hard-wood, in fact, more efficient alternatives are taking over the ...

    By Arundo BioEnergy based in Budapest, HUNGARY.

  • Renewable energy solutions for carbon free islands sector

    Desalination: Saltwater is desalinated to produce potable water suitable for human consumption or irrigation. One by-product of desalination is salt. Desalination is used on many seagoing ships and submarines. Most of the modern interest in desalination is focused on the cost-effective provision of fresh water for human use. Along with recycled wastewater, it is one of the few rainfall-independent water ...

    By Ocean Energy based in Cobh, IRELAND.

  • Harvesting renewable energy solutions for industrial energy recovery sector

    For many companies electricity is one of their largest input costs. ClearPower gives its industrial customers a way to greatly contain energy expenses by generating renewable electricity from the water already flowing through their water intake and outfall pipelines. This renewable energy creates a competitive advantage for customers by helping to provide power for a fraction of their current costs with little to no expense. Industrial facilities utilize billions of gallons of water every day for processing and ...

    By Clear Power North America, LLC. based in Castle Rock, COLORADO (USA).

  • Marine Hydrokinetic (MHK) for energy industry

    The marine hydrokinetic (MHK) energy sector is now emerging and its potential is vast. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that the power contained in the world’s ocean is equivalent to 5,000 GW worldwide. In response to this renewable energy opportunity the UK Crown Estate has issued 1800MW of tidal site allocations. Terrestrial renewables, primarily wind and solar, are in rapid deployment around the world – new investment in renewable energy generated electric power exceeded investment in ...

    By Aquantis, Inc. based in Santa Barbara, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Harvesting renewable energy solutions for renewable energy sector

    Electric utilities are coming under increasing scrutiny regarding greenhouse gas emissions. Solutions like our ClearPower turbine generator can help these utilities generate clean, inexpensive power helping to offset these ...

    By Clear Power North America, LLC. based in Castle Rock, COLORADO (USA).

  • Street Lighting and Edge Power Infrastructure for Utilities

    ClearWorld collaborates with utility companies to enhance grid resilience and support the integration of renewable energy sources. Our solutions provide dependable power for critical infrastructure, reduce operational costs, and contribute to overall energy ...

    By ClearWorld LLC based in Metairie, LOUISIANA (USA).

  • Bioenergy and Renewable Natural Gas for Utilities

    Everyone – from Governors to CEOs, ratepayers to shareholders – are demanding renewable energy solutions to curtail reliance on fossil fuels, reduce GHG emissions and insure local zero waste solutions. Throughout the United States, public power generators, governmental bodies, and energy cooperatives are being asked to supply their customers, communities and constituents with truly clean, truly sustainable and truly renewable natural gas. That’s why the use of anaerobic digestion is an answer ...

    By Bioenergy Devco based in Annapolis, MARYLAND (USA).

  • Renewable energy solutions for connected oceans sector

    Data Storage: The ocean has the potential to provide substantial benefits for the rapidly growing energy requirements of data storage by providing the sustainable power for cooling and by using the sea to reduce the ambient temperature thus reducing further the cooling requirement. The OE Buoy has the power production capacity and onboard storage to facilitate large scale data processing and ...

    By Ocean Energy based in Cobh, IRELAND.

  • Harvesting renewable energy solutions for mining sector

    Powering a mine is costly and difficult. Depending on aging grids to supply your power is unreliable, using diesel generators is inefficient, and most renewable power options are way to cumbersome and expensive. ClearPower and mining are a perfect fit. Your mine uses and returns millions of gallons of water back to its source every day. The water you are returning down hundreds of feet could easily be converted into an inexpensive sustainable source of power. The ClearPower Industrial Turbine Generator “M ...

    By Clear Power North America, LLC. based in Castle Rock, COLORADO (USA).

  • Renewable energy solutions for the oil industry

    This application states energy saving reconstruction on ID fan and FD fan of 4# boiler in a Chinese Oil Industry Company, introduces reconstruction purpose, scheme, implementation and principle. It analyses reconstruction effect, especially the economy effect, illustrates meaning of reconstruction. Variable frequency adjustment is an effective way of source saving ...

    By Shenzhen Veikong Electric Co.,Ltd based in Shenzhen, CHINA.

  • Renewable energy solutions for ocean food and fuel production sector

    Power to Gas: Power-to-gas is a technology that converts electrical power to a gas fuel. There are currently three methods in use; all use electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen by means of ...

    By Ocean Energy based in Cobh, IRELAND.

  • Renewable Energy Solutions for Agriculture

    Due to its small space requirement, the Solartrichter is ideally suited for the use of previously unused perimeters of agricultural land. A cascade connection on unused perimeters enables a highly efficient power supply – the arable areas are not affected and can continue to serve their actual purpose without restriction. ...

    By Global Solar Systems GmbH based in Köln, GERMANY.

  • Bioenergy and Renewable Natural Gas for Municipalities

    Once reliant on pollutant-heavy incinerators and overstuffed landfills, municipalities throughout the United States are announcing ambitious new zero-waste goals, turning to anaerobic digestion as a means for managing large quantities of discarded organic material. Ensuring cities and towns can meet their environmental ambitions while simultaneously generating truly renewable, carbon-negative natural gas, anaerobic digestion serves as an effective tool for cities and towns looking to combat climate change and ...

    By Bioenergy Devco based in Annapolis, MARYLAND (USA).

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