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Renewable Energy Systems Suppliers For Waste And Recycling - Municipal Waste

3 companies found
  • CETS Technologies, Inc.
    Service provider
    based in Athens, GEORGIA (US) (USA)

    CETS Technologies Inc., a systems integrator and industrial engineering company based in the US. The company is a leader in the architectural design, development, engineering and deployment of renewable energy and waste solutions for municipalities. ...

  • Bigbelly Solar LLC
    based in Needham, MASSACHUSETTS (USA)

    Bigbelly was founded in 2003 with the goal of transforming one of the least efficient and resource-intensive industries on the planet - waste collection. Cities were either collecting too often and wasting fuel and labor while creating CO2 emissions ...

  • Pollution Engineerings (M) Sdn.Bhd.
    based in Puchong, MALAYSIA

    Pollution Engineering is an environmental engineering Malaysian company established since 1980. The company’s principal business activity is technology provider for wastewater (sewage treatment plant, industrial wastewater treatment plant, river and ...

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