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Renewable Feedstock Services

5 services found
  • based in GERMANY

    The awareness for obtaining energy from secondary fuels and bio-mass is growing from day to day. Framework conditions are continuously redefined in the market and in politics. These areas which are subject to constant change make professional public relations activities indispensable. With regard to municipal use of bioenergy and products from renewable raw materials the Witzenhausen-Institut ...

  • based in USA

    Pilot plant testing services demonstrate the feasibility of delayed coking using PetroAlgae ...

  • Manufactured by Servoday Group
    based in INDIA

    Transforming Waste into Energy with Biomass Gasification Discover the potential of biomass pellets as a clean and renewable feedstock for gasification processes, as SERVODAY pioneers innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies to unlock the power of biomass gasification for energy production, syngas generation, and biofuel synthesis. Explore the versatility and efficiency of biomass ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Blackwood has developed a world class torrefaction technology to produce high quality torrefied biofuel (aka biocarbon) from renewable biomass feedstock. We offer a comprehensiveFlashTortechnology licensing package which allows our customers to exploit our proprietary and leading torrefaction ...

  • Manufactured by Biogas Hochreiter GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    The operation of biogas plants is an ecologically sound and economically viable possibility of generating electricity and heat from renewable raw materials (RRM) and organic waste. Two factors largely determine the profitability of a biogas plant: the number of full load hours of the CHP and the exploitation of the energy contained in the input substrate. For the energy industry, it is therefore ...

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