AuthentiK Enterprises Private Limited

AuthentiK Enterprises Private Limited

- Engineering Design and Drafting Services


Engineering Concepts including Assembly, Parts Modelling, Calculations, Designing & Drafting.


  1. Reduced Engineering and Overhead Costs by More than 50%.
  2. Flexible Resources without Long Term Liability
  3. Multidisciplinary Staffing with a Variety of Skills
  4. Experimental Designs and Prototyping at a Lower Cost, Promoting Innovative Approaches
  5. Freed up Skilled Resources can be used for your Business Volume Growth
  6. Longer Work-Time available and Quick Turnaround Time - we start Work for you 'After you Call it a Day
  7. A Dedicated Project Manager for Continuity and Better Communication
  8. Quality of Work will be Assured by Trained and Disciplined Staff of AuthentiK
  9. We work on variety of projects & sectors including but not limited to Chemical, Petrochemical, Food, Tyre, Automobile etc.

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