Lakson International Development Inc.

Lakson International Development Inc.

Biomass Gasification Services



Lakson can design a thermal process in which biomass waste is first transformed into a clean-burning synthetic gas, or “syngas”. This syngas is a renewable source of energy which is used, much like natural gas, in the following applications: in a gas burner, to produce heat for a boiler, dryer, furnace etc.; in a gas turbine or gas engine, to produce electricity; Under relatively low-oxygen conditions, biomass is typically heated in a gasification chamber; critically, there is no combustion involved in the process. This allows the decomposition of biomass into its various compounds, and the subsequent formation of syngas.

Product Details

The produced syngas is then rapidly cooled, preventing the formation of dioxins and furans; it is also filtered, in order to separate fine particles, including char.

Our solutions can integrate a biomass conditioning phase, in order to grind and dewater the feedstock upstream of the gasification chamber. Depending on the initial moisture content, this configuration will substantially improve the thermal efficiency of the overall process and vastly reduce the proportion of un-reacted feedstock in the gasification chamber.

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