Building Electrification Services
From Utility Solutions
Empower businesses and consumers to electrify their buildings and reduce non-renewable energy dependence. Clean Power Research offers utilities a suite of tools to oversee building electrification programs, including enterprise-grade program management software, a turn-key customer engagement solution, and advanced analytics.
Solutions for scaling and managing building electrification programs
- Personalized Guidance: Offer a personalized, self-service educational tool to answer customer questions like: “When can I expect to break even on a heat pump?”
- Help customers plan ahead: Proactively educates customers before their existing equipment fails, with estimates tailored to each customer
- Automate and streamline programs applications, customer communications, deadlines, and more – without adding resources.
- Virtually assess building energy and heating efficiency, without on-site intervention.
- Address energy equity: identify and target residential and/or commercial customers with low efficiency scores, to drive equitable electrification
- Advanced planning: infer system specifications, and disaggregate behind-the-meter PV production from net load to establish true gross load growth
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