Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation

Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation

Carbon Finance



Carbon finance relates to public, private and social sources and mechanisms for financing low carbon ventures. Carbon finance also explores the financial implications of living in a carbon-constrained world, a world in which emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) carry a price.

Current Activity

Current Activity

Scottish Low Carbon Investment Conference

Deliberations are currently underway for the first ECCI/Scottish Low Carbon Investment Conference Showcase. For the first time this year, ECCi is joining forces with Scotland’s biggest low carbon investor meet up to create the “Low Carbon Innovation Showcase” on Day 2 of the conference (11th October, 2012).

As a brand NEW addition to the Scottish Low Carbon Investment Conference, ECCI is looking for 20 companies to showcase and pitch their business to a Scottish and global audience of investors and industry leaders.

Any stage of company can apply, from proof-of-concept / seed, startup (pre-revenue), early-stage (post-revenue) or expansion from across the low carbon sector, such as: Renewable energy; Energy efficiency; Built Environment; Sustainable transport; Land use, waste and water; Carbon Accounting; Green ICT / Clean Web.

The highly valuable “Low Carbon Innovation Showcase”package includes:

  • Exhibition stand on the second day of the prestigious Scottish Low Carbon Investment Conference

  • Access to 500 senior decision makers from the international investment community/ private equity/Venture Capitals/ international banking as well as decision makers from Scottish low carbon projects and larger public/private venture projects

  • Two-day delegate ticket to the conference (worth £495 – including October 10th)

  • Exposure and promotion via SLCIC Conference online channels

  • Expert feedback on pitch technique and method

  • 'Matchmaking’ support to suitable investors in the run up to the conference to ensure maximum impact on the day

  • 5 businesses selected to ‘live’ pitch to a high level group of investors on the day

  • Additional live pitch training for 5 winning companies

  • Opportunity to be put forward for further free business development training over 6 months in the run up to the Engage Invest Exploit event held in Edinburgh in May 2013.

Keep in touch on who makes it through: http://www.edinburghcentre.org/Showcase.html 

New Carbon Finance BM set to join ECCI team

ECCI’s expert team of Business Managers will soon be bolstered by a Carbon Finance specialist next month. Susan Davies currently co-ordinates the University of Edinburgh’s forest finance risk network, set up to exchange information between academia and the financial services industry on forest loss risks. Prior to this Susan worked in a variety of research related roles in the environmental sector including researching issues around raising finance for renewables and energy efficiency in the EU. In her previous career she spent 12 years in consultancy and investment banking including 7 years working in risk management for the United Bank of Kuwait and Morgan Stanley.

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