Ramboll Group

Ramboll Group

Combined Heat And Power (CHP)



Combined heat and power (CHP) is an energy efficient use of fuel. Rather than rejecting energy as waste heat when electricity only is produced, this energy is exploited in combined heat and power plants.

Energy efficient CHP


Energy efficient CHP
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is recognized as an energy efficient technology. In addition to generating electricity, CHP also captures the heat that is produced in this process instead of just wasting the heat as in conventional electricity generation. It is three times more efficient for a large thermal power plant to produce heat for district heating systems and industries than to generate heat and electricity separately.

Advantages of CHP
With CHP, our fuel consumption is reduced as less fuel is required to produce the same amount of useful energy. Based on proven technologies, CHP also offers the advantage of high-quality and reliable energy supply to the consumers as well as the generation of low-carbon or renewable energy in a cost-effective manner.

Knowledge of energy production and district heating
At Ramboll, our vast experience of energy production facilities based on a variety of fuels combined with our experience of district heating transmission systems and low-temperature district heating systems help us maximise the environmental, social and economic benefits for both investors and consumers.

We offer our clients all services that are necessary for establishing optimised CHP plants, heat accumulators and district heating systems – from planning, design and procurement to implementation.

Our experience encompasses a wide range of CHP plants, including Waste-to-Energy, biogas and biomass plants.

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