KLiUX Energies International  Inc. (KLiUX)

KLiUX Energies International Inc. (KLiUX)

Customer Oriented Services


Kliux Energies has a Project Management Office, where engineers and economist develop the necessary studies to analyse, estimate and budget any distibuted energy generation or energy-efficiency instalation from start to finish.

Services Overview

  • Study of the dimensioning and amortisation of an installation, based on energy requirement, existing installation, wind and solar resources available, location, objectives and budget.
  • Site Feasibility Study (SFS) in order to determine the feasibility of a location for installing a distributed energy generation system.
  • Energy efficency study. Proyect for the implementation or replacement of lighting system, graphics, light simulations, and amortisation tables.
  • Maintenance.
  • Installation monitoring. Quality and performance.

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