Dust Combustion Solution
From Solutions - Combustion of Biomass
Our dust burning technology efficiently burns the dry/fine biomass powder produced by our conditioning process. The biomass is typically conditioned to a moisture content of less than 10% and particle size of 1 mm. The hybrid dust burner can be installed on the wall of a boiler, a dryer, a combustion chamber or other heat-demanding equipment. The Lakson solution regulates the flow of biomass powder to the combustion system.
Services Overview
This type of solution is endowed with the same efficiency and flexibility of operation as conventional gas or heavy oil burners. The dust burner may still burn fossil fuel as an auxiliary fuel. This offers a security of operation in the event that the availability of biomass powder is suddenly interrupted.
The dust burning technology is superior to other forms of biomass combustion. By using a relatively dry fuel, the dust burner can reach a higher thermal efficiency, as less energy is wasted on latent heat.
The combustion parameters are easily controlled with our solution, and therefore the emissions can be reduced to a much lower level than that of other technologies. Our combustion processes can be used economically for heat capacity going from 10 MMBtu/hr to more than 300 MMBtu/hr.
Our burning systems are part of our integrated heating processes. We can provide a complete solution from biomass fuel storage to heat/steam production, having low capital requirements and according to our client’s specifics needs.
Depending on the type of biomass at the client’s disposal, our solution may integrate a biomass conditioning phase, in order to improve the quality of the fuel upstream of the combustion phase, and to increase the thermal efficiency of the global process.
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Our burning solutions can easily be retrofitted – at little cost – into existing boilers, furnaces, dryers and other heat-demanding equipment. This application allows the client to substitute the use of fossil fuels in his existing installation and, therefore, reduce fuel costs and carbon emissions from fossil-originating energy. This reduction in GHG emissions may give rise to carbon credits, which could be sold by the client for a revenue stream.
Lakson has also developed a patented technology by which it is possible to use biomass in a process to heat occupied spaces, which could be applied to mining industries.
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