Efficient Energy Management Services
From Health Services
Through implementation of an efficient energy management system, you typically find many energy saving measures. We can help you map, monitor and update the energy consumption.
This requires planning. Typically it involves an analysis of how you want to split up the plant or building structure as to energy consumption.
Depending on the degree of automation, you can install data loggers and submeters to be able to separate different types of consumption enough to clearly identify potential energy-intensive devices. Or maybe you only want a simple solution for a single building and heating plant that the boiler man may read manually.
To maintain reliable mapping, the factors that may be significant to the energy consumption must be identified and registered. This may be outside temperatures, precipitation and other weather conditions. We recommend that as a minimum the hot utility water, electricity and heat are measured.
Tools for energy optimisationYou register and sum up the registered reading in a consumption report. From this you can deduce key figures and reference figures after some time of monitoring and registering.An energy budget should be prepared with starting point in historic measurements or settling of accounts.
Having the collection of data, the report and the budget in place, you have the tools to identify defects and fluctuations in consumption, find ways of making things more efficient, currently correct the budget and finally perform energy optimisation that is visible at the bottom line.
EnergyKey is an energy management program that holds all necessary functions, regardless whether the purpose is to optimise work processes as to handling of measuring and environment data (data registration and validation), to document consumption of energy or other resources, or whether it is to reduce this consumption and achieve energy savings.
The advantages of efficient energy management are numerous – here are some:- Reduce unnecessary operation
- Realise budgeted financial savings
- Monitor, map and identify problems
- New ways of making processes and cycles of operations more efficient including optimisation
- Reduce emissions, in particular CO2.
Supply companies may for instance use the EnergyKey for collection and validation of data before settling of accounts, for energy management and for analysis and report. Also the energy consumer may use a number of the services via self-service portals and smartphones.
Within the housing sector you may use the EnergyKey for energy management, benchmarking, documentation and generation of environmental financial reporting. Likewise EnergyKey gives companies a lot of possibilities of application – for instance in connection with analysis of energy consumption related to certain production processes.
Web-based energy control makes everyday life easierEnergyKey makes you able to carry out efficient energy control and energy management. The program is web-based, and use is therefore possible anywhere and anytime. The model with the most simple application properties makes it very easy for the boiler man to read and register directly via the program app. No paper or documentation will be lost or ruined. Furthermore, the system has the advantage of being online.If you buy the model which is a bit larger and updates consumption regularly by data loggers, you will be warned instantly if the consumption is suddenly out of control. With one monthly manual reading you will only find the problem at the end of the month, and then it will be too late.
EnergyKey comes as an app for the mobile – here you can:- Register your consumption
- Follow your consumption
- Monitor your consumption
- Benchmark
- Collect data
- Send reminders (it is time to read)
- Integrate with social media (Facebook and Twitter).
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