LDA Design Consulting LLP

LDA Design Consulting LLP

Energy and Infrastructure Services


LDA Design leads the field in energy and infrastructure projects. Our approach seamlessly integrates development, design, sustainability, consultation, planning and environmental expertise. This means development solutions that respond positively to context, place and policy, and minimise impacts on the environment – and so increase the likelihood of securing consents. We combine creativity and responsiveness with a technical rigour and whole project understanding. Our approach adds value, informs project strategy and delivery, reduces risk and maximises returns and is equally applicable to all energy and infrastructure projects, from the large to the small.

Our work spans the entire process from feasibility...

Our work spans the entire process from feasibility and site selection, through the design and consenting process to implementation. We provide project leadership, strategic development advice, planning, Environmental Impact Assessment, masterplanning, and a broad range of complementary design, environmental and sustainability services including architecture, landscape architecture and cultural heritage advice. We are also expert witnesses.

We understand the technologies, risks and processes involved in consenting procedures including Development Consent Order (DCO) applications for nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIPs), Town and Country Planning Act applications, Harbour Revision Orders, Compulsory Purchase Orders and Tidal Works applications.

Our experience includes tidal, on and offshore wind, solar, energy from waste, biomass, CHP and district heating, grid and substations and nuclear, ports, rail and highway projects and river and coastal projects.

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