Flexibility Markets Services
From By Activity
Dynamic Demand 2.0 aggregates industrial equipment (e.g. water pumps, industrial heating and cooling), generation and energy storage systems to provide a smooth, real-time frequency tracking service. Open Energi has been continuously providing dynamic frequency regulation from behind-the-meter, distributed energy resources since 2011.
Services Details
Energy trading
Wholesale optimisation
Volatility in wholesale electricity markets creates opportunities for businesses and suppliers to respond to market signals on a day-ahead and intra-day basis and take advantage of price arbitrage opportunities.
Imbalance optimisation
Reliable, real-time demand flexibility can help suppliers to manage ‘imbalance’ risk and work with their customers to take advantage of fluctuations in system imbalance prices.
PPA matching
Businesses with a renewable Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) can shift demand in line with a project’s generation profile, maximising consumption, reducing residual balancing and decreasing supplier imbalance risk.
Capacity services
Dynamic Demand 2.0 dispatches assets for capacity reserve schemes in line with market obligations. Where necessary, we can devise strategies to maximise obligation fulfilment for the duration required.Machine learning algorithms continually optimise consumption.
Peak price management
Dynamic Demand 2.0 minimises electricity costs and maximises income opportunities during peak price periods by reducing consumption or dispatching generation assets in response to price signals. In the UK this includes DUoS, Triad and CM Levy charges.
In-house prediction models.
Automated production scheduling.
Machine learning algorithms continually optimise consumption.
System operator constraint management
Transmission and distribution system operators are under increasing pressure as EVs, batteries, and distributed generation change how we interact with electricity networks. New, local flexibility markets are emerging, and Dynamic Demand 2.0 can manage and stack participation of assets in these markets alongside other services.
Real-time service stacking
Dynamic Demand 2.0 uses artificial intelligence and data-driven insight to ‘stack’ revenues and savings. The platform’s central intelligence optimises assets at an individual and portfolio level, to maximise operational efficiencies and savings.
Frequency regulation.
Energy trading.
Capacity services.
Peak price management.
Constraint management.
Energy efficiency.
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