Grid Integration Service
Power Quality, Grid Calculations, Grid Code Compliance. In the field of grid integration DEWI carries out measurements and evaluations to determine the electrical characteristics and grid compatibility of wind turbines, solar inverters and of other generation units/systems. The measurements are required for planning grid connections and verifying applicable limits, but they also allow an exact analysis of the electrical behaviour of the generation units and systems, which is important for their design, development and optimisation. In this connection DEWI also carries out calculations of required grid capacities as well as power quality and background interference measurements.
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Also in the range of services of DEWI are special ...
Also in the range of services of DEWI are special measurements for the analysis of the behaviour of wind turbines in case of a short-circuit in the grid. Because of the fast-growing development of wind energy worldwide, more and more countries are stipulating in their national grid codes that the behaviour of wind turbines must be similar to the behaviour of conventional power stations, i. e. wind turbines have to contribute to the reactive power exchange, and when a voltage dip occurs in the grid, they must not be cut out immediately but remain connected to the grid for a certain time.
For an assessment of the electrical characteristics of wind farms it is not only the characteristics of the wind turbines that are important, but also the cabling within and outside the wind farm, the transformers and other installations. Apart from calculating the electrical losses of a wind farm, DEWI also carries out further calculations and simulations for assessing the electrical characteristics of a wind farm.
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