Hydo Turbine Manufacturing Services
Design and production; We design for you your hydroelectic power plant the the new three-dimensionally tried-and-tested CAD system. This not only ensures that potential problems are found at an early stage, but it also allows for an exact stability calculation with various finite element programmes. With over 30 years on experience in construction, our members of staff guarantee you the innovative design of compact, assembly-friendly and – most importantly – low maintenance turbines and power plant components.
Services Overview
Options for turbines
We support you in choosing the right turbine for the special requirements and conditions of your power plant. We also consider all relevant parameters and criteria and combine theoretical know-how with our practical experience. We design and produce all necessary typs of hydroelectic power plants. Depending on the head of water and the water quantity, we select the most efficient WWS turbine together with you:
- Kaplan-turbines
- Pelton-turbines
- Francis-turbines
A Turbine calculator for roughly dimensioning is placed under Technology.
Additional equipment for small hydroelectic turbines
To be able to pursue optimally your water turbine, we offer beside the turbine construction also the whole necessary electromechanical accessories for your small hydro turbine. This consists of:
- Frequency converters, protection systems
- Power generators
- Control engineering
- Automation engineering
- Control rooms
- Switch gears
Steel construction for hydraulic engineering
Beside the turbines and the electromechanical accessories even other devices and parts are required for the free from trouble-free operation ofhydroelectric power plants. For example: trash rake, trash rake cleaning machines, sluices gates etc.
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