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Anaerobic Digestion Services

56 services found
  • based in USA

    We see this as a substantial step forward in the business and environmental management of dairies. ESG's farm-based anaerobic digestion projects promote rural and agricultural sector economic development and sustainable, renewable energy ...

  • Manufactured by Permastore Limited
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Fusion’s history of anaerobic digestion (AD) tanks goes back to the early 1970’s, and the Company’s experience has expanded considerably over the ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    We collect all food waste from commercial premises (except glass), DAF sludge, oils, fats, and slurries. We process it in our advanced AD Plant where bacteria work on the food waste in a controlled environment. The process creates biogas which is sent to Generators to create 3.2 MW of electricity, and bio-fertiliser for ...

  • Premium
    based in USA

    Anaerobic Digestion has been used historically for digesting waste activated sludge to reduce the volume for disposal and also for treating high strength, low volume organic wastes to save energy. Recently, corn silage, food waste, animal manure, and slaughterhouse waste and other materials with a dense organic content are used as effective ...

  • Manufactured by CaviMax Ltd.
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Demonstration mobile scaled down laboratory / pilot cavitator The CaviLab that we carry out cavitation trials and hire out for your own R&D trials - photo below. Consultation and meeting at your plant to assess your needs. Analysis of a potential feedstock(s) you are interested in using - cavitation then BMP testing (biochemical methane potential) to guage biogas uplift, or we can return the ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Linked to the recognition that the world population is growing, resources and fossil fuels are depleting, we are fully aware of the necessity to explore new and innovative ways of delivering sustainable power generation. We offer our customers solutions, from concept design through to plant handover and aftercare. Our experience covers delivering guaranteed performance plants across Europe. We ...

  • based in USA

    As an Integrated System Provider, Phase 3 Renewables will supply all the equipment, materials, and associated services for building your biomass energy plant. Phase 3 Renewables provides two biomass processing technology options: Anaerobic Digestion - typically used for wet feedstocks, >50% moisture, Gasification - typically used for dry ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Industrial anaerobic digestion refers to plants which are used to treat waste generated on-site, such as brewery effluent or food processing residues. Industrial facilities are less complex than community systems; whereby a single business owner controls the site, feedstock supply, operations and energy ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    While at present Zebec are in construction of a conventional AD plant, an integral part of the company’s future is the integration of an algal production unit. The algae unit will be able to utilise the anaerobic digestion outputs as feedstock for algae production (specifically the CO2 and the digestate). The algae in turn will be able to ...

  • based in GERMANY

    We offer attractive projects to you selected according to our strict quality characteristics.Optimised and individually adapted concepts and the high technical standard of our anaerobic digestion plants allow an above-average safety and return of ...

  • based in USA

    Martin Construction Resource is your premier partner in driving sustainable energy solutions through biogas to energy projects. As an industry leader, we specialize in designing, constructing, and optimizing state-of-the-art anaerobic digester systems that transform organic waste into clean, renewable natural ...

  • Manufactured by Conveco S.r.l.
    based in ITALY

    CONVECO technicians can ensure design assistance or even the final design of plants for extraction, suction, combustion and/or use of biogas produced from controlled landfill or anaerobic digestion ...

  • Manufactured by Snam SPA
    based in ITALY

    We collect plant material samples regularly and analyse them: that way the anaerobic digestion process is optimised continuously and stabilised at high performance levels. We offer advice and service to assure the best performance, not just for our plants, but for those of other manufacturers ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Anaerobic Digestion (AD) is a proven system for converting farm generated waste into a profitable revenue stream. AD provides diversification in an environmentally friendly ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    AJ Tensile manufactures biogas storage vessels for the collection of methane gas produced by anaerobic digestion of food waste. We have manufactured biogas domes which have been installed as far afield as Australia, Canada, China, Poland, UK and USA. These range in size from 20m³ to the majority around 2000-3000m³, and right up to the largest in Europe ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Aqua Enviro can determine anthropogenic (non-fossil fuel) content of effluent, waste and biogas in order to determine the proportion of the energy that is eligible for renewable energy subsidies. We can advise on the impact this may have on the return on investment for a range of anaerobic digestion technologies. This is of particular relevant where AD is ...

  • based in USA

    Consulting to help define the overall concept for projects designed to deliver biomethane fuel for electric generation, pipeline-quality gas to the grid, or CNG for transport fuel. Liaison to leading anaerobic digestion researchers and technology providers in North ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    We operate dedicated food and drink destruction facilities and we recover packaging for recycling. We dispose of the residual waste by the most environmentally effective methods, including anaerobic digestion producing energy from waste. As specialists with many years experience, we can resolve your food and drink destruction challenge allowing you to concentrate ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Adverio has a vast experience and long track record in developing renewable energy projects in a variety of field, including anaerobic digestion, bio-ethanol production, low temperature geothermal and hydro power. Through our long term experience in project development, dealing with banks and private and institutional investors we know what investors are ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    We put together our expertise in biogas technology with our engineering background and experience to offer very specialised consulting and engineering services, including concept design and optimization for sludge and biogas lines. We help with detailed designs, form work drawings for digesters, P&I creation and optimisation, Instrument List, Load List, I/O List and control ...

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