Bioenergy System Services
based in USA
Southern Research offers extensive experience and expertise in utilizing gasification and pyrolysis technologies for the cost-effective thermochemical conversion of biomass to biofuels, coal and coal-biomass to syngas, and syngas to liquids. Gasification involves heating biomass with approximately one-third of the oxygen necessary for complete combustion; this technology produces a mixture of ...
based in IRELAND
Clearpower has an experienced in house team specialised in Bioenergy systems design and delivery. We offer full design and project management services for all our projects. We can deliver design services either as an owner's engineer or under a turnkey design and build situation. Equally, we are happy working under instruction from client engineers. ...
Distributed by Ventek Energy Systems Incbased in CANADA
Mechanical, civil, structural, and electrical engineering all play an important role in the design and installation of a bioenergy system. These various engineering disciplines comprise the core of our successful bioenergy ...
based in SWEDEN
Swedish Bioenergy Climate Solutions is a platform focusing on internationalization of Swedish bioenergy technology and ...
based in IRELAND
Clearpower has a very experienced in house service team to support our customers and ensure smooth operation of their energy ...
Manufactured by Nexterra Systems Corp.based in CANADA
Customers such as universities, hospitals, municipalities and energy services utilities that operate district energy systems can use Nexterra’s systems to produce low-cost, renewable heat, steam, hot water and/or power for their operations from local, renewable waste and still meet demanding local air quality requirements. ...
Feasibility studies assess the technical, environmental, logistical, financial, economic and organizational possibilities to realize bio-energy plants. These studies range from a “quick scan” that briefly assesses bio-energy options at a given site or in a certain region, to comprehensive pre-investments studies assessing all relevant issues in detail. The latter results in bankable ...
BTG offers a wide range of technical know-how and expertise, bringing many years of experience with the implementation of different kinds of bioenergy technologies, on many locations and under many circumstances. BTG experts include process engineers, mechanical engineers and electrical ...
based in USA
WRI is pioneering coal combustion and gasification technologies for integrated, ultra-clean power plants. The technologies will provide the flexibility to produce 'opportunity' products, including clean transportation fuels, high-value chemicals, synthesis gas, and hydrogen in concurrence with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Vision 21 ...
by Acta Groupbased in USA
Biobased chemicals and advanced biofuels are promising technologies sought worldwide by countries hoping to achieve greater energy independence and greener economies. According to one estimate, biobased chemicals’ share of the global chemical industry is expected to grow from 2 percent to 22 percent by 2025. Much of the growth in biofuels technology development has been driven by the ...
based in USA
WRI's thermochemical processes for converting feedstock to liquid fuel are related to Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) synthesis and offer significant gains in efficiency over other conversion methods. WRI’s proprietary process converts carbonaceous feedstock to synthesis gas, which is then converted to ethanol and other higher alcohols using a proprietary WRI catalyst. Catalysts used in the ...
based in USA
Spinning straw into gold is close to reality for some farmers pursuing alternative energy to support their operations. Converting biomass to energy is an obvious solution for farmers who have resources such as crop salvage readily available to fuel their power needs. In the Pacific Northwest, grass seed farmers are annually left with more than one million tons of straw from which they realize ...
With significant forest cover biomass is an important source of energy in Scotland. ETP universities are working with industry to contribute to the development of the Bioenergy industry in Scotland to reduce CO2 emissions, add to the carbon sequestration potential, enhance rural economies and help meet renewable energy ...
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