Biogas Generator Services Available In Connecticut

18 services found
  • Manufactured by EnviTec Biogas AG
    based in GERMANY

    Why should you decide to use the EnviTec Biogas Service? ...because your biogas plant is in safe hands with us! As biogas all-rounders, we know biogas generation processes better than anyone and offer a service package that guarantees your peace of ...

  • Manufactured by Energy Innovations
    based in USA

    We build relationships, not a quick sale. Our team of experts has extensive experience that only comes from working for over a decade in biogas processing and biogas power generation. We know what products work, and what to watch out ...

  • Manufactured by WOG Group
    based in USA

    Depending on the application and source of effluent, Biogas generated from the wastewater plant requires treatment prior to use to prevent corrosion and air ...

  • Cornerstone staff’s deep knowledge and experience with biogas (including landfill gas, or LFG) collection, control, and beneficial reuse extends back to the inception of landfill gas management at landfills. Providing a wide range of biogas services to solid waste companies, municipalities, project developers and others involved in biogas ...

  • Manufactured by PlanET Biogas
    based in GERMANY

    Today, biogas is generally used directly at the place where it is produced in a CHP unit. However, biogas can also be refined to natural gas quality and fed directly into the natural gas network. This way, the upgraded gas can be transported flexibly and economically to the site of use. ...

  • Manufactured by C Trade USA
    based in USA

    C TRADE provides turnkey services from project conceptualization to design, construction, installation, training, operation and maintenance, for biogas to energy projects. C TRADE Biogas technology is to harness and enhance a naturally occurring process (anaerobic digestion) to process manure and other organic wastes and produce biogas (~65% ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    State-of-the-art technology for waste management and generating renewable energy. Since 1990, Thöni has been involved in developing innovative technologies and modern systems engineering for treating waste and generating biogas from organic waste and raw materials.We are offering turnkey ready systems beginning with the project development ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Plant-based raw materials are used to produce biogas. These materials are generally residual products that are released by the production processes of food and feed companies. Because during their growing season, the processed plants fix CO2 from the atmosphere (short-cyclic), the CO2 released during the combustion of the biogas or the ...

  • Manufactured by Norvento Enerxía
    based in SPAIN

    We offer our services both to private companies and state bodies, providing innovative solutions that make it possible to produce biogas for the generation of electrical and thermal energy, as well as other applications of this renewable fuel, such as feeding it to the gas supply network or use in ...

  • Manufactured by WOG Group
    based in USA

    For the last few years , we have focused on the Biogas based captive power generation projects in decentralised manner. The gas potential is generally available in high organic waste/wastewater water from municipal and industrial both. The produced gas is used to generate the electricity running the DG sets on dual fuel mode by ...

  • based in CHINA

    Besides mostly common-use spare parts are available in stocking, as per client’s demand, we will deliver the parts to your site by courier, sea or air shipment. The service of well-going spare parts supply is the key solutions for your diesel & natural gas biogas engine power ...

  • based in INDIA

    Green Elephant, the leading CBG (Compressed Biogas) producer in India, offers Compressed Biogas solutions to mostly industrial clients, though others can also facilitate from our services. As one of the market leaders in this industry, we have our own biogas plants — large, medium, and small scale. ...

  • based in USA

    We specialize in state and federal transportation fuel credit programs and take a client first perspective – working to ensure complete compliance, transactional transparency and revenue opportunities. Our in-house expertise ranges from project level support through generation and monetization of environmental credits, allow our clients to take advantage of premium markets ...

  • based in SWITZERLAND

    FBI runs three laboratories and research sites in Germany, Switzerland and China. Each facility is specializing in local topics. In China, for instance, the focus of research lies on the hydrolysation and digestion of bagasse, rice straw, rice husks and cotton seed hulls; typical Asian biomass that is avalable in abundance there. The hydrolysis pretreatment technology has a huge impact in these ...

  • based in USA

    Water and wastewater systems are significant energy consumers, and owners of these facilities are continually seeking ways to reduce energy consumption and associated costs. Technology improvements, improved automation, and process optimization generally afford significant opportunities for energy savings. In addition, the recovery and the beneficial use of wasted energy sources ...

  • Manufactured by DWS BVBA
    based in BELGIUM

    Already after a few years of being in operation, your biogas system performance can deteriorate. With a wide range of technologies and specialistic equipment in our scope, you can count for DWS to deliver, install and commission your upgraded unit to restore the overall biogas treatment and utilization system capacity ...

  • based in DENMARK

    In terms of global warming and independence of fossil fuels, biogas has a number of advantages. Produced from biodegradable wastes, biogas can be used for the production of low-carbon heat and electricity and can be upgraded for use as a vehicle ...

  • based in USA

    Phase 3 Renewables can provide a variety of energy conversion systems, for replacement of purchased energy as well as excess energy which can be sold to a local utility or neighboring business. This section covers uses for biogas from anaerobic digestion; please see the gasification tab for energy production from that technology. Electricity, Pipeline Quality Gas, Compressed ...

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