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Biogas Industry Services

20 services found
  • based in GERMANY

    Trial Plants for IEX and adsorbent resinsManually operated column installations in bench scale for universal purposesComputer controlled column installations at various sizes for time saving operationPilot plants in small technical scale for Scale-Up with minimal ...

  • Manufactured by Get Green Bio Energy
    based in INDIA

    Bio-CNG is the purified form of biogas, without other gaseous impurities. It is very similar to natural gas in its composition and energy potential, is a renewable energy source, eco-friendly and can replace LPG and CNG easily. It is also very cost-effective to produce, making it one of the cheaper fuels.In Bio-CNG production, biogas is cleaned of hydrogen & ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    AJ Tensile manufactures biogas storage vessels for the collection of methane gas produced by anaerobic digestion of food waste. We have manufactured biogas domes which have been installed as far afield as Australia, Canada, China, Poland, UK and USA. These range in size from 20m³ to the majority around 2000-3000m³, and right up to the largest in Europe ...

  • based in GERMANY

    In return, n-bio receives a refund based on the partner's business volume in the biogas ...

  • based in INDIA

    Green Elephant, the leading CBG (Compressed Biogas) producer in India, offers Compressed Biogas solutions to mostly industrial clients, though others can also facilitate from our services. As one of the market leaders in this industry, we have our own biogas plants — large, medium, and small scale. ...

  • Manufactured by EnviTec Biogas AG
    based in GERMANY

    We keep it in stock to keep your plant going! At EnviTec, ‘just in time’ is a concept, not a cliché, and we are constantly expanding our warehouse capacities. Complementing our established sites in Lohne and Friedland, our Calbe/Saale facility offers 160 m2 of storage for large parts and a small parts unit of around 80 ...

  • based in USA

    Our experience spans all Renewable Energy Credit markets. Element Markets’ entrance and expansion in the environmental markets has coincided with the rapid expansion of Renewable Portfolio Standards across the country, and Element Markets has leveraged our depth of experience and proficiency at all state and federal levels to meet the renewable credit needs of our clients—buyers and ...

  • Manufactured by BioG GmbH
    based in AUSTRIA

    A reliable and quick spare parts service is also crucial for the trouble-free operation of a biogas plant. We stock and supply all necessary parts and consumables for every BioG products sold. The most common wear parts are always stocked in our ...

  • Manufactured by ÖKOBIT GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Prefabricated and precisely coordinated components are fast and easily assembled into a high-performance overall plant. As a full-service provider in the biogas plant construction sector we take over and supervise every step during the construction phase to ensure that your biogas project satisfies all construction and safety-related requirements from ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Birch Solutions have a wide experience of upgrading biogas plants and have a multi disciplinary team available now to deliver turnkey projects and plant upgrades. Birch Solutions can undertake all aspects for project delivery for the refurbishment of feed systems, digestion assets and repowering of plants. ...

  • based in CANADA

    How to have the certainty that your next biogas project is going to work as planned. Take advantage of the world’s most advanced biogas modeling ...

  • Manufactured by Biopract GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    We are the pioneers in the development and application of enzymes for performance improvement of biogas processes. The main enzyme products in today's biogas market can be traced back to the work carried out in our biogas laboratory. The MethaPlus® and Axiase® products offered by DSM Biogas are just two examples. Several ...

  • based in CANADA

    How to stop guessing when you calculate the viability of a biogas project investment. Make investment decisions based on realistic revenue models. Looking to assess the viability of a biogas project? Keen to build an investment portfolio around renewable natural gas? Aware of a possible opportunity but unclear about just how realistic it ...

  • Renewable Energy: The age-old saying of “One man’s garbage…Is another’s mans Gold” is becoming true in the reclaiming of Biogas from landfill operations. While we still depend on fossil fuels as our primary energy resource, the use of newer and cheaper energy sources such as landfill gas is increasing throughout the world ...

  • based in USA

    Unbiased studies of the economic feasibility of anaerobic digesters, independent of institutional or political influences. Overview of alternative strategies with both conventional and innovative methodologies, with recommendations for achieving specific research objectives. Customized pre-engineering studies ranging from high level or top line to comprehensive in scope – can include gross ...

  • based in USA

    With over a decade of renewable natural gas (RNG) experience, Element Markets’ RNG group is the leading full-service biomethane marketing firm in North America. We specialize in state and federal transportation fuel credit programs and take a client first perspective – working to ensure complete compliance, transactional transparency and revenue opportunities. Our in-house expertise ...

  • Manufactured by Norvento Enerxía
    based in SPAIN

    We offer our services both to private companies and state bodies, providing innovative solutions that make it possible to produce biogas for the generation of electrical and thermal energy, as well as other applications of this renewable fuel, such as feeding it to the gas supply network or use in ...

  • Manufactured by Cepsa
    based in SPAIN

    Second-generation (2G) biofuels are a key part of our Positive Motion strategy to go beyond Net Zero and be Net Positive by 2050. ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    Agricultural biogas plants mainly use manure for the biogas production, because it is more economic to mix this substrate with organic residues from agriculture and food industry or energy crops, because these cosubstrates offer a much higher biogas yield than agricultural fertilizer like ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The company group’s service spectrum in this technical segment ranges from planning and construction to the maintenance of plants. Our services include the support of pipeline systems and plants - like gas measuring and regulating stations, biogas plants, hydrogen plants, industrial plants and more. Many years of experience and the employees’ ...

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