Biogas Plant Services Near Europe
based in DENMARK
Rather than rejecting energy as waste heat when electricity only is produced, this energy is exploited in combined heat and power ...
based in DENMARK
NIRAS has worked with heating and energy planning for municipalities, counties and collective heating companies in Denmark since late 1970’ies. NIRAS handles e.g. planning and delimitation for district heating and natural ...
based in GERMANY
Training programs, seminars, conferences, workshops, and support in research projects in the field of: Solar power, Photovoltaic's, Solar Thermal. Wind Energy, Wind Plants. Bioenergy, Biogas, Biomass. Energy Management. Water Management and Treatment. Environmental ...
Manufactured by Biopract GmbHbased in GERMANY
Since 2017, our company Biopract ABT GmbH is distributing these new products. Our satisfied customers now include operators of biogas plants throughout Germany and ...
based in GERMANY
Since 1998, our sister company, wpd windmanager, has been taking on all the tasks in connection with the commercial and technical management, primarily of wind farms but also of solar parks and biogas plants. wpd windmanager is the market leader in wind farm management in Germany. Thorough knowledge of the market and many years of experience with wind energy, ...
based in GERMANY
The preparation of an optimal and for you individually concept of the biogas plant is made after your individually wishes, the conditions on site and the substrates you have available. Study of the situation of the plant. Deducing of solution approaches. Suggestions regarding the process management. Necessary technical changes. ...
Manufactured by First Biogas International AGbased in SWITZERLAND
We provide all services related to the biogas business. This is important since biogas is a very complex technology and our customers need a one-stop solution and partner and they don’t want to lose time and money to deal with different ...
Manufactured by First Biogas International AGbased in SWITZERLAND
FBI runs three laboratories and research sites in Germany, Switzerland and China. Each facility is specializing in local topics. In China, for instance, the focus of research lies on the hydrolysation and digestion of bagasse, rice straw, rice husks and cotton seed hulls; typical Asian biomass that is avalable in abundance there. The hydrolysis pretreatment technology has a huge impact in these ...
Manufactured by Seko Industries Srlbased in ITALY
Our experience in agriculture and in particular in the field of renewable energy, our cutting-edge solutions and knowledge of the rules and regulations are underlying factors in the professional skills of our plant designers who are able to offer biogas plants developed on the basis of the latest biological research, produced with modern ...
Manufactured by Seko Industries Srlbased in ITALY
Plant energy efficiency determines the success of the investment and is closely linked to process stability and maximum biogas production. We therefore ensure the operator a highly specialised technical-scientific support service not only during plant start-up but also throughout its working life, for both the biological process and the operating ...
Manufactured by Seko Industries Srlbased in ITALY
In the preliminary biogas plant construction phase, our technicians with specific knowledge of the national guidelines and regional regulations concerning renewable energy provide customer support also in terms of dealing with all the paperwork required by the complex Italian and EU ...
Manufactured by Seko Industries Srlbased in ITALY
The Agripower Division produces high efficiency biogas plants in the agricultural and industrial sector with powers from 50 to 2000 kWel, designed to achieve maximum profit. Our plants have a modular standardised configuration and are developed from an industrial concept applied to agriculture, and are therefore highly functional, incredibly ...
Manufactured by Seko Industries Srlbased in ITALY
The biological process in biogas plants requires careful study, and effective management and control supports are therefore fundamental to ensure a safe stable process in order to achieve constant production levels with maximum ...
based in GERMANY
The Ingenieurbuero Buse GmbH offers consulting, design, construction and commissioning of biogas upgrade plants. ...
based in GERMANY
Commissioning of plants (cold and hot commissioning). Process biological support for biogas plants. Plant optimisation. Layout, provision and installation of individual components. Training of operating ...
based in GERMANY
Plant construction, as Prime Contractor including planning services. Plant construction, as Prime Contractor in accordance with your planning. Tank construction. Optimisation and modification of existing plants . Biogas micro-grids. District heating ...
by Bigadan A/Sbased in DENMARK
Our concept is well-proven practically and scientifically which is your guarantee for a modern, productive and profitable biogas plant. The standardized concept is a module-based construction which ensures low construction costs, a shorter planning and building time and it makes future expansions of the plant a lot more simple. We know our main ...
Manufactured by Saaf Energybased in INDIA
We co-create and derive the techno-commercial specifications and KPIs of the project with our customers; taking responsibility for all stages of biogas plant set-up and delivery from contract management, to assembly, inspection & quality control, installation, commissioning and into the O&M phase of the plant ...
Manufactured by Saaf Energybased in INDIA
We commence equipment dry tests, tanks and pipes hydraulic tests, bacterial inoculum delivery, function testing, startup of biogas plants from zero to on-set characteristics, and training of operators. We give start-up support of biogas plants until the expected target performance level is reached. ...
Manufactured by Saaf Energybased in INDIA
We offer comprehensive O&M/AMC as well as biological & technical service, supervision & support. We incorporate real time visibility, monitoring & reporting of our biogas plants from Laboratory to Remote Monitoring Systems (RMS). From adjustment of substrate loading / unloading modes, temperature regimes, nutrient additives correction etc to Spare ...
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