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Biogas Production Plant Services

6 services found
  • based in GERMANY

    A good project, but not enough equity? This problem occurs to a lot of potential operators of biogas production plants. In order to avoid, that your precious bioenergy or your genius heating concept stay unused, we are pleased to support you in the raising of funds. By means of longtime contacts to banks with experiences in financing energy ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The erection of a biogas production plant requires a permit as it is necessary for any construction project. Due to the fact that the industrial application of biogas technology is fairly new in many countries, many states are currently working out how to handle the environmental and constructive permits of ...

  • Manufactured by EnviTec Biogas AG
    based in GERMANY

    With our well-staffed and experienced Technical Team, we can guarantee prompt service and a quick turnaround. We are also one of the few providers in the industry who are capable of handling multiple maintenance callouts in a single day and we keep all of the important spare parts in stock at our ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The most important step to a trouble-free operation of a biogas plant is the successful start-up. Before the fermenter can be filled the first time, several function controls will be effected on the different components as well as on the safety ...

  • based in FRANCE

    Producing energy from waste is a solution for the future to make the most of the full calorific value of waste that cannot be recycled. We can help with the collection and processing of this waste to be transformed into a combustible fuel in the renewable energies category. 83: % of gas produced from waste is recovered from storage sites for non-hazardous waste. 50,000: tonnes of solid ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    Description of the biogas production in an agricultural biogas plant: Biogas is a renewable resource consisting mainly of methane and carbon dioxide. It is produced during anaerobic micro bacterial degradation processes of organic material (e.g. manure from livestock or poultry farming, crop components or ...

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