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Biomethane Injection Services

4 services found
  • Manufactured by Fluence Corporation
    based in USA

    Our proprietary anaerobic treatment technologies process wastewater and sludge to produce biogas, which can be used to produce electricity and thermal energy, or which can be purified to produce biomethane for injection into the ...

  • based in GERMANY

    From as early as 2005, we have been injecting, trading and providing grid management and accounting services for biomethane. In Germany, trade takes place at the physical injection and extraction points, or alternatively via virtual trading points. This makes trading possible throughout the country and beyond the actual trading region. ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    CNG Services Ltd owns and operates a CNG filling station off Weston Road, Crewe. The station is open 24 hours a day. Located just 10 minutes from Junction 16 of the M6, our filling station has the capacity to fill more than 500 dual-fuel tractor units per day. The fast-fill system at Crewe enables the filling of vehicles at both 200 bar and 250 bar. There are 2 compressors and 3 fast-fill hoses ...

  • based in DENMARK

    In terms of global warming and independence of fossil fuels, biogas has a number of advantages. Produced from biodegradable wastes, biogas can be used for the production of low-carbon heat and electricity and can be upgraded for use as a vehicle ...

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